Friday, July 06, 2007

The Boy is Home....along with plenty of filth!

Tonight we picked up Nathan from summer camp. I can't believe how quickly that week flew by! He had a great time and enjoyed it very much. He did miss us though so in a weird way I was happy to hear that. I'm not ready for him to be too independent just yet!
Here's picture with one of his best friends Andrew. Note the dust all over Andrew's nose and the grime around Nathan's mouth. He did admit he never really showered all week except for rinsing off after swimming. That doesn't count because he never used soap! Ugh.

Look at that mouth! I'm a bit OCD about my kids being clean 90% of the time so this was slightly distressing. I do wonder how many layers it was?!?!?!

Nate and Blake with their souvenier cards from their counsellors. They each got a personalized note and group photo. Blake didn't want his picture taken as you can see.

While Nate was at camp, Keith had bought his new jeep. What a suprise for Nathan as we walked up to it. He looked a bit confused and then the lightbulb went on! He definitely thought it was very cool. It seems to have become tradition to stop for ice cream on the way home from camp. Yum! I had Rolo and Nate had cookies 'n cream. We never turn down ice cream! See how close I got to my stinky boy? That is true mother's love!

The whole gang! They were lucky enough to all end up in the same cabin and had a blast. The only concern was that there were two other boys in the group that were 'bullies'. Nathan told me he learned a whole bunch of bad words. Won't tell us what they are though. I don't think I want to know anyhow!
And this washer full of smelly stuff awaits me tomorrow morning. Thank goodness for washing machines!


Shawna said...

Looks like the bathtub will be full of soap and bubbles just waiting for him - Or a good shower followed by a day at the local pool to sanitize the rest of him!

Glad he had a great time and glad you have your little {big} boy back!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a quick week! I'm glad that you all survived it. :)

Colleen said...

Regarding the bad words ... ignorance truly is bliss sometimes. I prefer to think of it as innocence. It sounds better. :)

And I'm GLAD he had a great week.

And that he missed you.

Keri's Collage... said...

I think that the dirt is a marker of the amount of fun they had! The dirtier they are...the more fun that was had! I'm glad they all had a great time! I actually missed Blake and I know Curt did too!

sultana said...

Nathan just looks wiser and more confident now. Camp has a way of teaching independance from home.

Canadian Kristin said...

Dirt=Fun in the world of I'm guessing Nathan had a GREAT time!!!! ;-) So fun for him to have this time with his buddies!

Kori's House said...

Even with the 'bad boys', Our boys still had a great time!!!
I wish I could have gone to a camp with my friends, where they had FUN activities and GOOD food :)

villagegirl said...

I'm so glad he had a good time! And that he missed you. What a sweet boy. ah yes, the stench of a week of camp. I don't know how the counselors stand it. Maybe that's why I never was one. :)
I'm sure you had him scrubbed good as new when he got home. :)

Love the new look btw! Very summery and very you!