Saturday, July 28, 2007

Neighborhood Manners

So please tell me, because I am new to this. What are the standards for times such as these in regards to neighborhood manners?
The children down the road have somehow discovered that there are two delightful little boys residing in our home and also have discovered our doorbell.
They seem like very bold and lonely children and if the condition of their house is any indication...well it's a sorry affair. Anyhow....I definitely don't want my kids to be sheltered from reality and of course they can all play. But as these 'not shy' kids have told me (two girls and a boy) they are allowed to come into our house. Not that I have invited them!
I have already had a 'chat' with them about using the 'f' word on our yard. Blah blah blah....I could go on. (interestingly enough these kids go to a private Christian school!)
As the rules stand now, the boys can play with these kids on our yard only, or on the street within view of our house.
What are the rules for your kids of the same age group?


Kori's House said...

I think Jill asked the same question not long ago but for younger boys?

I say you are doing the right thing. Let them play outside, in your yard or within watching distance. They do NOT need to come inside. I also suggest that you go to the door when the ring the bell. I had a similar situation, after I answered the door the first 3-4 times the kid stopped coming to our door.

Keri's Collage... said...

My answer is the same. I say when and where they get to play. I also feel that the kids (like the ones you have described) don't need to play together every day. It's harder in the summer.

Canadian Kristin said...

I have a "never in the neighbours' house" policy for my kids....nor the neighbours' back yards, EVER NEVER EVER! Front yards, where I can see them, and hear them, and keep tabs with random checks! I say you are on the right track! And, I agree with Keri....just 'cause you are neighbours doesn't mean they have to go out and play with the neighbourhood kids everday... though Miranda would sleep on the neighbours' doorstep and ring the bell daily if I let her! ;-)

Gaye said...

You young moms have so much more to think about in raising your kids than we did in the seventies. Your rules about "not in the neighbor's house" is a good one. And have your kids where you can see them. The time will come soon enough when they will have to be wise enough to use their own judgement, based on your teachings. God bless each one of them! and you as moms.

villagegirl said...

I think your rule is a wise one. I don't have to worry about offensive language just yet! Yikes! It's so hard to know exactly what to do and especially if you've allowed something once they seem to think it will happen all the time. And I agree. They do not need to play with them every day. I find the same thing the kids on our street would be here 24/7 if they could. I'm already looking forward to September for just that reason. :)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've got a good handle on the situation.

The Lang 6 said...

We have the same thing with 2 slightly older kids that WERE hanging around a lot. We have a pool, so of course they would be over at our place all the time. I would send them home every time they were out of line. One of them stopped coming over, and one of them is very well behaved now that we "set the bar". Our boys are not allowed to go their house at all. So, get a pool, then ALL the kids hang at your house until you kick them out!

wildo said...

I have the same rule of not going into anyone's house or backyard. Only in the front and on the street if they are on their bikes.