Tuesday, August 07, 2007

So Relieved!

Well I just got in from the optometrist. I should have gone to him in the first place!!!! After receiving a call from the walk-in clinic that they couldn't get me into a specialist until Aug 27th I had to take matters into my own hands!
All I can say is that I love Dr Bullock (no worries Keith)! He was so very kind, helpful and nice to me. His office fit me in this morning as an emergency patient (did you know that BC Medical is billed for a visit to the optometrist if it's emergency?).
Anyhow....after a full exam and all the stuff that goes on with getting ones eye examined he determined that I have an inflammation of the eye called Episcleritis.
This condition can come about for no reason whatsoever. Often people with auto-immune disorders get this condition but perfectly healthy people can get it too.
The treatment is steroid eye drops and it will clear up very quickly. Yeah for that!
The pain I have been experiencing is very normal with this condition and I'm so relieved that I don't have a tumor or anything scary like that. I told the doctor that I had been on the internet and had scared myself.....he had a good laugh!!!!
The frustrating thing is the optometrists cannot prescribe medication in BC yet (due to politics and red tape) so he needs to refer me to an ophthalmologist to get the prescription. So I will have to go and see one more doctor. Fortunately he can probably get me in this week so I won't have to wait long. Plus I can wait more peacefully knowing it's something that can be fixed.
That's my story.
Thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and well wishes. It means a lot to me that you were concerned!

PS. On a positive note I still have 20-20 vision :) I hadn't had my eyes checked since 1991!


villagegirl said...

Oh thank goodness you have such good news! I was JUST going to email you! I'm glad it will be dealt with and hopefully never happen again.
P.S. I'm so jealous of your 20/20. Lucky duck. :)

Theresa said...

Oh dear! Sounds super uncomfortable but so glad to hear you have a relatively easy solution! Getting old is no fun eh? Oh, and don't surf the net for medical info, you will just get freaked out because of what it "could" be and usually isn't. Only leads us to unnecesary worry! Take care!

poof said...

Oh that's good Rachel, I just read your blog and didn't know about your eye troubles. Glad it's nothing serious!

And your holiday pictures look great. I can't believe how blue the water is! Is that Kalamalka lake?

Keri's Collage... said...

Great news! Now if they would just hurry up and give you the eyedrops to chase it away!

Canadian Kristin said...

PHEW! Glad you got good news that is easy to work with!!!!!!! 20/20.....um.....what's THAT?!?!?! ;-)

Colleen said...

Awesome! There's nothing better than the feeling of sweet relief when your worries and anxiety just melt away. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! What a relief!