Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Was THAT?!

Last night I attended our staff Christmas party at Tradex in Abbotsford. Kori was my date for the evening as we decided that our spouses would have a much better time at home with their beloved off-spring.

I'll start by saying it was cold....VERY cold with an evil wind chill factor of minus a trillion (sorry Colleen, it was probably balmy by your standards).
The metal box, they call Tradex wasn't warming up at all and I basically had numb appendages the entire evening. Aside from the discomfort, the company was grand. We ladies had a very fun time at our table chatting and laughing. Well, yelling at each other because we were right beside the speakers for the music and entertainment.
You know, I'd actually just call it a party. They took the Christmas right out of it. They didn't play Christmas music during dinner at all. There were no Christmas trees like last year either. The grace that was said before dinner was a confusing yet politically correct travesty! Oh my!
The gentleman saying the prayer is a devout Catholic and I'm not sure how he got his arm twisted to say such an odd 'blessing' on the meal. After he was done, I felt odd....was that a prayer? He basically asked us all to bow our heads and each address our own personal 'spiritual advisor or diety' and beseach them or ask or beg for a good year and some other mumbo jumbo. It was so crazy! Just say a simple grace and get on with it. I don't know of ANY non-Christian that would oppose a simple grace before a meal. And if they do, they haven't mentioned it to me! Or just don't say grace altogether. And he concluded the 'prayer' with saying 'and I ask this all in the name of my personal diety, Jesus Christ AMEN!'.
Well, one of the best parts of the evening was the fact that half of our table was lucky enough to have their names drawn for door prizes! I got a $50 gift card to Chapters!
It was really nice to get out. Thanks Kori for taking me and getting us home safe in the horrible weather.
Good to be home with my baby!


Anonymous said...

I had to chuckle over the description of the prayer. Where did I just hear one like that? I can't remember. But I'm with you on the weirdness factor of such a prayer.

Sorry to hear you froze to death at your party. But hey! You got a killer prize, so that should make up for it. :)

Stephanie said...

Aw, did your baby wait up for you? :)

Canadian Kristin said...

Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone complain about a simply prayer over a meal or a quick blessing....the more pc things try to get, the more offensive and bizarre. Too bad.

HOORAY on the Chapters $50, that's perfect for a booklover such as yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

You should frame that photo of you and Liam, for sure.

Kori's House said...

That is a great picture of you and Liam.

It was great to hang with you and the girls at the table... even if we couldn't hear anything or cut our beef with a knife :)

Kori's House said...

You should have blogged the bananas!

Anneliese said...

That IS weird about that prayer. I wonder how much more of that we'll be seeing in the future. Sad . . . God is being left out and then He gets blamed for things that go wrong.

Colleen said...

Bizarro prayer or WHAT!

Also, may it be said that I still get cold when I go to the coast because of the dampness (it is MEGA-dry here) so I would probably have been shivering like an absolute crazy person right alongside you. And I'm not making this up.

Fiona said...

whoo hoo for the $50 gift card! and i agree ... that is a GREAT pic of you and liam. frame it for sure. :)