Tuesday, January 27, 2009

About Me

I got this from a fellow blogger and figured why not! You're supposed to write down the first thing that comes to your mind.

I am...tired.
I think...a lot of silly thoughts.
I know...that I could be a better wife and mother
I want...to be a better wife and mother!
I have...too many lazy habits.
I wish...I knew what I wanted to do for a career.
I hate...unvacuumed carpets.
I miss...my life before baby (just the freedom).
I fear...flying.
I hear...the hum of the hard drive and the blessed quiet of children in bed.
I smell...chocolate icing on my breath from scraping out the cake pan.
I wonder...if my fillings are going to hurt tomorrow.
I regret...worrying about the future and not living in the moment.
I love...my life...thank you God!
I am not...going on my morning walk tomorrow due to snowy sidewalks.
I believe... in God.
I dance...very poorly and therefore I don't dance at all.
I sing...in my car, always.
I don't...like washing, blow drying and straightening my hair.
I win...when I hold my tongue in a disagreement.
I lose...when I let my anger get the best of me.
I dislike...tailgaters.
I never...want to see my children get hurt.
I listen...to my boys ask 'what's for a snack' every single day after school.
I am scared...of asserting myself.
I read...every night before I go to sleep.
I am happy...when my family is happy.
I notice...people...love to people watch.
I express...myself better in writing than in speech.
I talk...very kindly to anyone in customer service because I've been there.
I drive...a Jetta that wants a new home very badly.
I watch...Lost and am forever confused by the storylines.
I dream...of one day not having to budget our finances so closely.
I need...more self control in the eating department.
I haven't...dusted my baseboards for a long time.
I pick...really horrible honeydew melons....what's the trick?
I run...when someone is chasing me.
I suppose...I'll have to do the same things I did today again tomorrow.
I wear...cheap perfume that smells like suntan lotion.
I cry...every single time I watch TLC's A Baby Story.
I smile...just about everyday.
I own...my actions.
I make...really good cookies.


Kori's House said...

That's really cool!

Canadian Kristin said...

Well done! Thank you for sharing yourself with us so intimately and honestly!

villagegirl said...

Love it! I'll have to give it a whirl sometime.
Thanks for sharing.

Fiona said...

Those were great answers!

Jenn said...

Your quiz made me smile :) I love who you are, and you do express yourself well in writing. I wouldn't think of such clever answers...