Monday, January 19, 2009

My Own Little Game

Since the kitchen seems to be where I spend most of my time I thought I'd write up a little meme for you you!
I'd like you to play along too, so will you oblige? Anyone can play....anyone with the urge to share their dirty little kitchen secrets :)

Ten Random Facts about Me & My Kitchen

1. I love my Kitchen Aid stand up mixer. It is the best purchase I have ever I think all bakers need to have one.

2. I do not 'cook' food in my microwave. I am not sure it's completely safe. Yet I will re-heat and de-frost food in there. Go figure!

3. You won't find many ready made foods in my cupboards. My kids don't get granola bars or fruits snacks in their school lunches. I bake everything for them. When we vacation or take day trips they get very excited about those sorts of food because they are a big treat for them.

4. The one thing you will ALWAYS find in my deep freeze is hashbrowns. Keith adores them and eats them every single weekend.

5. Everytime I open my cutlery drawer and see the tray I think I should wash it out and I never do. Je ne sais pas. One day.

6. I always keep some butter in the cupboard for spreading on toast, etc. I know it should be kept in the fridge but it hasn't killed us yet!

7. My plastic container cupboard looks like a bomb hit it. I loathe organizing it and hope that one day my husband or some other kind person will do it for me.

8. I don't know how to make coffee. I really should learn.

9. Raw meat really grosses me out. I hate to touch it or smell it. This is my least favorite part about cooking supper.

10. I keep my bread in the freezer at all times. I know everyone has their own way of storing bread. I've seen it in fridges and on counter tops. Must be in the way we were raised.

11. My one wish for my kitchen is an island. I think we'll move before that happens!

Well, now you know plenty of trivial facts about me and my kitchen. Won't you play too?
Tell us ten facts about your kitchen and then one thing you would like to do to improve your kitchen.


Shawna said...

Those are crazy interesting facts!

I too keep my bread in the freezer...I'll play although it might take a day or two to come up with zingers like yours ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome list! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to make coffee. I'm with you on the microwave too.

Stephanie said...

I have a question, Rachel :) Since you spend so much time in the kitchen, do you ever need to listen to music or have the TV on within earshot so you don't get bored of the same old, same old? Or are you just happy to be creative in silence? Just curious, cuz I get bored if I'm in there too long!

Kimberley said...

i totally think the same thing when i open my cutlery drawer. i should be washed more often than it is. oh well. :o)

Kori's House said...

Hmm, I don't think I can come up with 11 interesting facts like yours!

Canadian Kristin said...

Glad Press 'N Seal is my #1 Kitchen Thing. I don't care that it's more expensive, it's still cheaper than using half-a-freakin'-roll of Saran to get the job done! ;-) There, that's my kitchen secret! Um....ya....when you figure out coffee, please post the instructions! :-)

Keri's Collage... said...

That was fun! I wanna play too...but I don't think I have anything exciting to report!

You can have Keith build an island for dad just did and it cost less than $100!

Passionate Eater said...

Very interesting--and I don't clean that cutlery drawer thing either! I need to... As for the plastic container storage, I have found that if I put the lid on them, I even if I throw them on in a bin, they still stay relatively organized--in that I can always find the matching lid and bottom!

Lovella ♥ said...

I liked your interesting little facts. It tells much about a homemaker. . and you obviously are a very good one. TErrible little secret here. . .I sent granola bars and cracker and cheese snack packs and you name it in my boys lunches. . .somewhere along the line between kindergarten and grade 12 I caved.
Oh. . and you need a butter bell. It keeps the butter fresh at room temperature. I most often see them at HOme Sense. It has a wee bit of water in the bottom to seal the butter part. Crazy but it works.

Anneliese said...

I enjoyed this, Rachel. What is it that has us enjoying all of our shared quirks, joys and dislikes?

Fiona said...

Cool post, but I really can't play along as I spend VERY little time in my kitchen. Let's just say I'm EXTREMELY thankful for microwaves. :)