Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Today Chad proved himself to be a very VERY brave young man. He got FOUR teeth pulled at the dentist! He went into the room and did this all on his own. The dental assistant came out afterwards and told me just how brave Chad was. I guess he was able to squeeze her hand and he had quite the death grip on her! He was in the room for an hour and I was very nervous sitting in the waiting room. I didn't hear any screams so I figured he was okay :) Chad did not get the teeth pulled because they were rotten but because he's got some over-crowding and the adult ones needed the room to come in. We were advised by our orthodontist that there 'wasn't enough room in the garage for the big cars'. Chad was rewarded with $20 and ice cream BEFORE dinner! Nathan and him have struck some sort of deal and it seems they are going to pool this money and their Christmas money to buy some Lego set.
Chad's new smile. It's awfully cute. The two teeth on either side of his front ones were pulled.

The reward! He got ice cream before supper and afterwards! I think I'm more relieved this is all over than he is.

I had to add these pictures of my scrumptious baby. Oh the cuteness...I can barely stand it! His first time in his exersaucer. He seemed to enjoy it.


Kerry said...

Wow, he is brave. I don't think I could do it. I have a HUGE fear of dentists. Way to go Chad!! And Liam is super cute as always!

Kori's House said...

Good job Chad!! You deserved every bite of that ice cream :)

Jenn said...

Way to go Chad! I think you've had enough doctor visits for the year now Dyck family. NO MORE!!!

Jenn said...

Way to go Chad! I think you've had enough doctor visits for the year now Dyck family. NO MORE!!!

Terry said...

Tell Chad I am proud of him. Anyone who can sit in a dentist's chair for one hour, get four teeth pulled, and not scream, yell, cry, shout, or yelp is my hero. I do all of the above when I see the bill.

Canadian Kristin said...

Dentist: eek.
Moving bedrooms: lots of work but usually worth it in the end.
Exersaucer: Mom's extra hands!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done Chad! And way to be brave yourself Rachel. The waiting in the other room can be pure torture.

Unknown said...

Awe...I loved that sweater:) I am glad there was one more baby who got to wear it:)

villagegirl said...

Wow! What a brave man! Definitely deserving of a double shot of icecream!
I truly don't know how you stand it. I'd take bites out of the child regularly. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

Good job Chad!

elma_pauls said...

Certainly the boy is amazing...When I was Chad's age and had 4 teeth out to "make room", I had a general anaesthetic, & so they took my tonsils out at the same time....I thought it was the end of me!!! He well deserves the $20 and ice-cream.

Your baby is absolutely delightful. What a treasure!

Fiona said...

what a brave little man. i remember going to the dentist when i was a kid and they told me it was just a check-up. walked out of there missing two teeth. liars!

Dickie Chick said...

Very very brave indeed! Good job Chad!
Ok ... ya ... your wee Liam IS so completely scrumptious! I want to eat him up too!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Chad, what a brave boy!!

Shawna said...

My teeth just hurt thinking about the dentist...and my mouth drools looking at your sweet babe!

Anneliese said...

He is a brave boy and so cute - although maybe he wouldn't want to hear that.
On a side note, I like your green kitchen chairs.