Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Our condo was good for us in many ways. We lived there for 10 years and I mostly remember the good times. One of my main complaints was the lack of yard. I was annoyed that to get fresh air or 'do' anything we had to go out. That being said we went on loads of walks, day trips, beach trips, hikes and pretty much anything that got us out of those four walls.
Now that we have a yard I feel very blessed and certainly do not take it for granted. That being said, we are now quite content to stay put. We don't do as many day trips, beach trips and the like. That was even before Liam. Now with Liam we are rooted even more firmly at home. Why drag us all out when everything we could want is right outside our back door? We've got shade, a trickling stream, pond, fountain, gardens, wading pool, hot tub and a comfortable patio set. Clean bathrooms await inside as does a fridge full of cold drinks and snacks. I know the time will come again when we are more mobile but for now you know where you can find us. Please come on over for a visit!!!

Chad doesn't think he's too old for the baby pool

Liam had a good time between yowls of pain. He's teething at the moment and having a rough go of it.

The boys are enjoying the hot tub. Keith turned the temp way down and it's quite tepid and perfect for a quick cool down...especially with a creamsicle!


Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect. Now if only I lived closer so that I could take advantage of your offer. :)

Stephanie said...

Maybe we will pop over and see your sanctuary on Friday when we are in Abbotsford :) I know what you mean about staying home with a baby. It takes so much effort to pack everything/one up! Sounds like you've got all you need right there. I know I am thankful for our deck too right now. It's lovely to sit out there with a book.

Canadian Kristin said...

Hmmm, next time I'm looking for a park to play at... I'll just head to your house! So glad you're so "at home" at your home!

Fiona said...

I don't blame you at all. Your backyard is gorgeous!

QuiltNut Creations said...

we are the same way!