Thursday, September 24, 2009

15 Today

I would have thought that after 15 years of marriage I would have gotten the hang of it.
Maybe it would have seemed effortless and smooth. No.
This past year has been the hardest for us as a couple. The new addition to the family, me being stuck home on maternity leave, a new job and a big family vacation has put an awful strain on our marriage.
We are in a rough spot and the light at the end of our tunnel is the Family Life conference in November at Whistler. We went 6 years ago and afterwards felt refreshed and re-energized to make our marriage the best it can be. We need some new vision...or SOMETHING?
Opposites may attract but living with them long term is something else completely! For all of you out there with great marriages (and I read your blogs so I know!) please remain encouraging to the rest of us. Little shreds of hope are needed to make it through!


Keri's Collage... said...

I couldn't agree more. You would think that it should get easier every year and it never does. Keep working at it Rach and I will pray for you :)

Kori's House said...

I've been praying for you guys and want to encourage you. I am here for you Rach!

Thinking about 1 Corinthians 13. I like how the message has it written. I won't type out the whole verse but the last part says:
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

It also goes on to say:
Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.

This is my prayer for you.

Terry said...

The honesty you portray is an asset and yes, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't close your eyes to it.

Kori's House said...

P.s. Happy 15th Anniversary!!
Easy or hard... that's a huge accomplishment and you deserve to celebrate!!

cayman77 said...

Happy Anniversary Rach!!!! You both look amazing as you did on your Wedding day! :)

Unknown said...

I feel you on this one! We've hit a few rough patches the last couple of years, and I thought it was supposed to get easier?!?! But I've just learned that you have to work harder and try to remember what you love about your partner. It's tough work!!!

Anonymous said...

I commend you on not giving up even though things have been rough. I think it's a true testament to your committment to each other that you're able to recognize that there are issues and you're willing to work towards making your marriage better. You'll be in my prayers.

Congratulations on 15 years!

Heather said...

Your honesty about your marriage was very encouraging to me. I know exactly how you feel about how much work it is for two opposites to have a successful marriage. Let's pray for each other! Congrats on 15 years!

Rachel said...

Heather, we've come out of the closet together! Married our opposites and lived to tell! Looks like we can relate to each other...that's good.

To my other commenters...thanks for the encouragement.

villagegirl said...

Even good marriages go through rough spots. And all the things you listed are high on the list for added stress!
I know that weekend will be refreshing again and your marriage is worth working at and your rewards will be great for doing so!
In everything there will be seasons. You just get to experience the hard times to appreciate the good. We'll be praying for you guys!

Canadian Kristin said...

Congratulations on 15 years! Here's to God blessing you beyond belief for another 15 and more!!!

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh Rachel,
I applaud your honesty. We mentor couples before marriage and we so often see what they refuse to admit could be a struggle. I never know. . .should we be honest and tell them how it looks to us?. . .or . . .do we say. . .the encouraging things and hope for the best. After seeing some of our couples already split. . I have decided to say it like it is.

I am so glad you are doing something specifically for your marriage. We've been to that conference too and learned so much and I know we still need to learn much more. I think I have a good marriage but it isn't without challenges and really . . .we are very different too. I'm sentimental. . and romantic. . and love flowers and he was raised to be practical. . .(hence. . everything I need done in the house. . is done). .. . flowers . .not so much.

Oh Rachel. . .I'll pray for you. May the God who created you both unique and individual. . .bless you with a renewed desire to be a blessing to each other. I'll look up the weekend dates and make a note to pray that you'll have a break through. . . . (hugs)

Unknown said...

haven't checked your blog for a while and here you are married 15! years! I remember that sunny Sept. Sat. up at your uncle's log home. It was yesterday!...or so it seems.
Here's some hope (I hope)....for us marriage really took off and kept getting better after 20 years
(we're at 33 now). SO stick with it and work through the bumps and dips..... it's worth it!

Unknown said...

Then read 1 Corinthians 7:27-28...God tried to warn us but we didn't listen:)

Ang said...

Congrats on 15! Keep going... never give up. Praying that the marriage weekend will be one of many special times of growth in your relationship. So glad to see that you are willing to do what it takes to build your marriage. Nothing is too difficult for our Great God!

Fiona said...

I know I'm not married, but lately I've watched 4 marriages very closely either break up or almost break up. I think the key is to keep communicating even though it might not always be comfortable to talk about. Once you clam up, it seems to be over. I think it's GREAT that you guys are going to this marriage conference. I'll be praying for you guys.