Friday, January 08, 2010

Why Not?

Often I feel like a real 'Hagatha' when it comes to my two older kids. I am impatient and bark at them for no good reason. Being aware of it is one thing but changing those bad parenting habits isn't that easy. My first step is trying not to say 'no' all the time just because the request inconveniences me or gives me a power trip. That being said, the boys wanted to sleep together tonight in Nate's bed. It was on the tip of my tongue to say 'no'! I thought it over quickly and decided it certainly shouldn't be an issue. I did warn them that if they were fooling around then it would be the end of it and wouldn't you know it...they went to sleep like angels! I think I'll get extra hugs tomorrow :)
You can't even see Nate rolled up in his quilt like a sausage!


wildo said...

I feel the same way with Owen, some days all I say to him is NO!!!

villagegirl said...

I was reading your post and thinking how much that sounded like me. I feel like I say no much more than I say yes. And it's a hard thing to change. I'm glad this 'yes' worked out so well! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm living proof that you can change from being that kind of person. And trust me, you'll all be so much happier with a lot less stress if you banish Hagatha from your home. :)

Terry said...

The reason parents say "NO!" so often is because the kids already know what they can do, without asking permission. All other questions are of the "NO!" variety and are usually about somthing that will overstep the boundaries. There are exceptions, of course, like having a sleepover with your brother in your own house. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

Funny, we are going through this very thing at our house except it's only with one child. Your dad is right, this ONE child asks for a minimum of 20 things a day that she generally knows the answer to. I now tell her that she used up her one request for the day and to not ask for anything else. So far so good! Sometimes before she asks, I remind her that she only gets one request and then ask if she is sure this is the one she wants to use it on. Sounds cruel but it works!

Ang said...

I'm glad you said "yes " and that it worked out! Love that they want to have a sleepover together!!

Anneliese said...

Our girls often went to sleep together. They didn't ask. We'd just find them sleeping in the same bed when we went to check on them before we went to bed ourselves. No harm done. It won't be long before they all grown up and will not be sharing a room, maybe not even a country.

QuiltNut Creations said...

i am the same and working on it as well.

that is too cute!