Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Full Life

Funerals can be really hard but some are rather easy.  Grandma Dyck-Big Mama-Tina-Katrina passed away at the end of March and we celebrated her life today.  She had a long life of 96 years!  Sadly the last 8 were not so pleasant as she developed Alzheimer's disease.  To know she is free of it is a good feeling.
Keith was absolutely blessed to be able to hold her in his arms as she passed from this world into the next.  It was peaceful and an answer to Keith's prayer as he simply could not bear the thought of her dying alone.  We were called on the Friday to let us know that she had gone down hill rather rapidly.  We went to see her that evening and within 45 minutes of us getting there she passed.
She was a very big part of Keith life.  He loved her to bits and when I first started dating him he often spoke of her with such love and respect.  It was a sign that I had caught a 'good one' in Keith!!
She was instrumental in Keith's faith development and took him often to Olivet Mennonite church.  Keith and I could have actually passed each other in the hallways as I went there as a child as well!  Funny how life works.
Today was a beautiful, warm spring day.  The cemetary was alive with spring blossoms and Pastor Frank (who actually did our pre-marital counselling...again, what a neat coincidence!) did a wonderful job explaining God`s promises to us.
After the internment we went back to the funeral home for the memorial and then had a tea.  It was a good time of seeing family and sharing memories.  I`ll never forget her kindness to me back when Keith introduced me to her for the first time.  I think she was quite pleased that Keith had found himself a `nice Mennonite girl` and I felt very comfortable with her in turn.  I look forward to seeing her again in heaven!

 I found my Great Oma`s grave while we were there.  Fond memories of visiting her in her apartment in Vancouver and always leaving with a Coffee Crisp!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I did not know her well but liked her a lot. It was always good having her come to her great grandson's birthday parties on Dahlstrom Ave. (George Ferguson Way)