Friday, April 18, 2014

Adding Another Teen to the Mix

I now have two teenagers as this morning Chad officially turned 13 and entered a new and exciting time of his life.  Chad is my cuddly, sensitive soul.  He craves praise and attention and strives to please.  A classic middle-born!  He's also proving to be quite academic and an athletic to boot.  His musicianship and acting skills are becoming sharpened as well.  Is there anything he can't do?! bananas!
 Chad loves Oroville but does not love water.  He's always been very cautious and took a long time to learn to swim.
 I can guarantee this gift contains Lego.  He's a lifetime fan.
 Chad grew a ton between grade 6 & 7.  He's almost six feet tall now and wears a size 11 shoe.  His voice has changed and well....he's definitely a young man!
 Chad's brown eyes melt our hearts.  First person in our little family to have brown eyes so it was such a treat.  We call them chocolate eyes!
 A great thing about Chad is that he is always up to try new foods.  This makes life very fun and flavorful.
 Chad enjoys school and I never have to remind him to do his homework.  He's quite responsible!  He also loves turtles and really wants one for a pet.  I'm not in agreement with this request!
 Chad and Nate get along quite fine but Liam and Chad are a different mix altogether.  It's absolutely love-hate.  They can get along beautifully but mostly they do rub each other the wrong way! 
As the big show approaches we are very excited to see Chad play the lead as Aladdin.  Wow....only his second show with A.C.T. and he's a headliner.  Way to go!!!
And this little face will live in my memory forever.  A sweet and quiet little soul with a need to be picked up often. 
You're on your way to great things and we are SO happy to be your parents.


Betsy said...

Happy Birthday to Chad! he has grown into a fine boy! He's on his way to bigger and brighter things! way to go! You should be mighty proud! :)

Keri's Collage... said...

Happy Birthday Chad!
It always blows me away how much Chad and Liam look alike! Both handsome :)

Terry said...

There are a multitude of question marks when children enter their teen years. It is transition, but transition to what, to who? We are absolutely thrilled to see Chad develop his skills, interests, and his wonderful personality. He is full of surprises, all good ones!