Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter 2014

Our Easter celebrations started on Good Friday with a delicious brunch at my mom's.  Sadly, Keith couldn't make it because he was investigating an arson.  Apparently most pyros have no respect for the Christian calendar of holy days! 
 After brunch it got sunny but was still chilly so I sent Nate out with my camera to document the traditional egg hunt.  Liam knew exactly what to do.
 Daisy even got a box of chocolate...she really loves chocolate!  We didn't make her look for it either.
 On Easter Sunday we all went to church for a wonderful service (William went to Vancouver for the weekend in case you wondered) and then came back to our place for a lovely brunch.
 After eating we did our own egg hunt.
Liam cleaned up well.  Good thing he has very kind family members who have been graciously helping him eat all that chocolate.  We wouldn't want him to overload!

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