Monday, April 28, 2014

Playing Tourist

On Easter Monday we braved the less than stellar weather and took Daisy to Vancouver for the afternoon.  We had to pick up William anyhow so decided to combine a little sight-seeing along with it.  Nate and Chad were at rehearsal all day so it wasn't quite the entire clan.
 Standing next to Daisy makes me feel like quite a giant!
 We did a pricey tourist activity by going to the 'Fly Over Canada' show.  It was very good and we all loved it.  Liam was completely enthralled which was super fun to see.
 I hadn't walked around Canada place in a very long time so it was fun to see all the improvements they had made. 
 Tulips are definitely one of my favorite flowers. 
 Very Canadian!  Daisy has asked us why we don't watch hockey at our house actually!
 Liam enjoyed running around the practically deserted sidewalks.  It was like a ghost town in Vancouver.
 The sun did peak out for our time at Stanley Park.
 Daisy insisted on buying us all ice cream.  Sadly, William was too cold (typical) and Keith and I are watching our dessert intake so it was just her and Liam.  Daisy ended up making me eat half her ice cream anyhow because it was too big for her.  So those were some delicious but unnecessary calories!
Liam loved the day out being the only kid.  He thrived on all the attention!  Each time we go to Vancouver I wonder why we don't go more often.  It truly is one of the most beautiful cities!

1 comment:

Terry said...

What absolutely delightful photos!