Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Four Leafed Clover and Leprachauns

The map is kind of small but we are staying in Letterkenny which is in the northwest corner of the Republic of Ireland. We are going to be fairly close to Northern Ireland and hope to spend some time exploring the sights there as well.
This is all very surreal since we have been talking about this trip for about 10 years and seriously planning it for about three. I can't believe we are getting to see Ireland. I'm also really thrilled that my kids will be able to experience such an amazing holiday in their youth. I don't know if they realize how fortunate they are but we will remind them :)
I won't be on the computer while we are away so this is farewell for a bit.
I can't wait to post pictures and stories of all our Irish adventures!


Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back. Oh the stories you'll have to tell!

Canadian Kristin said...

Bon Voyage!!!!
Keep a journal, you will love reading and rereading it for years to come!!!!! (And it'll come in handy when you're reminding your boys of how fabulous their parents are for having taken them!!!)
What an adventure, what an amazing adventure!!!!!

Keri's Collage... said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip! Maybe Sinead will let you borrow her computer once midway so you can fill us in on how things are going (pretty please!).

And for once, I actually agree with Kristin...I love looking back at our travel 'notes'!

Stephanie said...

Yes, I agree, DO take a journal. You'd be surprised at how quickly you forget the details of places you visit, traditions over there, things you see and smell. It will all be so different from anything you've ever seen before. Have fun, Rachel! I hope you ALL have a wonderful time :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

have a fabulous trip Rachel!

villagegirl said...

I can't believe it's finally here! I hope you have the most wonderful time EVER! But don't forget to come home. :)
We'll miss you!
Maybe you'll learn some lovely Irish dances to teach me when you come home. :)

cayman77 said...

Have an amazing time Rach!

Elma said...

You are just going to have the best time! So exciting...and you are right in that the boys are very privileged and will have many memorable moments coming out of this.

Julie said...

I haven't visited your blog in awhile.. and I'm so glad I came today !! Ireland ??? How neat !! I have always wanted to go there !!
I'll be sure to come back to see your pictures and your reporting .
I pray safety for you and a wonderfully memory packed vacation !!!

Keri's Collage... said...

Wow! Just realized that you will be back home VERY soon! Can't wait to see real pics :)

Kerry said...

I keep checking your blog even though I know you're gone and won't be on here till you get back, but I can't wait to hear all about your trip and see all the pictures. Hope you're having fun!!