Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rotten Mother!

Well, not really rotten but maybe just a bit moldy on the edges. Seriously! I did two...actually make that three dumb things today concerning Liam.

First of all this morning I went to Rotary field to watch Nathan in his challenge track meet. The sun was shining brightly and it was going to be a warm day. As I sat down in the stands with Liam I discovered not only did I forget his sun hat, I also forgot his water and sunscreen.

After watching Nathan in the hurdles went decided to go home for his morning nap. That was a bit of a bust since he decided to sleep for only 30 minutes. After that I gave him lunch and we headed back to the track to watch Nate's final events. This time with the sunscreen, hat and water.

I stopped to talk to Nate's previous P.E. teacher for a moment and all of a sudden he said....'Your baby!' and I turned around to see my stroller rolling backwards away from me and making a sharp turn in a storm drain. Ha ha...I laughed it off but was mortified! Mr Tod that how you drive too? Actually to be honest I've left my car in neurtral and have found it in places where I didn't originally park it! Blondie!

And to top it all off Liam finally fell asleep in the car on the way home. He was beyond exhausted and I was happy that once we got back home I could slip him into his crib for a nice long nap until it was time to pick up Chad from the bus. I was just laying him down when somehow I lost my grip and banged his face/head into the rails. Well of course he woke up and wailed like a banshee. There was no going back to sleep for him. So now he's awake...overtired and whinging at every little thing. There is no hope for another nap now since we having swimming right after school.

Can it be Monday on Thursday?

My consolation is that Nathan did awesome with 1st place in hurdles, 2nd place in high jump and 2nd place in the 100m dash!

***UPDATED 3:36 pm***

What happens to babies that don't nap when they should......they fall asleep in the stranges places! This is where I found the little man when I got home from the bus stop. I left Nate in charge. Now I have to pick him up to get to swimming...figures!


Kori's House said...

Oh Rachel, I can think of worse things :)

Nobody was harmed :)

Congrats Nathan on your ribbons! That is awesome!!

cayman77 said...

Oh Rach! Sorry to hear that! Hope your weekend is much much better! :)))

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping that today is going much better for you. :)

Stephanie said...

Aw, I wish I could be the one to pick him up out of that play pen! Such a sweetie :)

Lovella ♥ said...

Well it is good to hear that being a mom hasn't changed that terribly much over the years.
My almost tragic mistake happened when my baby was "kind of" strapped in his car seat .. 30 years ago. . .He was wailing like a banshee. . so I turned around while driving over the overpass by the Keg. . .and (next time you drive over it .. .look to see how high that curb is). . .I drove our low camaro up onto the curb .. and then almost rolled the car. There was a tow truck that stopped and was shocked that we didnt' roll. . .Anyways. . .all that happened was a blown tire. ..
And that was just one incident.

I do hope though that your week ends fantastically.

Jenn said...

oh yes, I've remember days like that... Don't worry, you're in good company with the forgetting!

Fiona said...

that doesn't sound like a great day ... but like kori said, nobody was harmed.

i've never even met nathan but i'm so proud of him and his ribbons for track. i remember that feeling and am so happy for him!