Saturday, October 09, 2010

Thanksgiving Encore

Thanksgiving with Keith's family.....was good! Liam was the centre of attention once again as he got his belated birthday gift from Auntie Suz and Tyler. A new starter bike!
He loved it from the start and zoomed around the house as much as he could. It's one of these modern bikes with no pedals. It basically teaches kids balance so from here they can go straight to a bike without training wheels. I'm all for that!
Liam enjoyed 'pinning' (no 's' in Liam's vocab yet) the wheels just as much as riding the bike!
Busy in the kitchen. Lois made us a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings. It was great!
Suz and Tyler. My kids look forward to calling him 'uncle' one day. Maybe soon you two?!?!?
I made two desserts for the evening. Triple Chocolate Treasure cake...first time I made it. Very good and very rich!

And Pumpkin Toffee tarts. Yummy!

If I want any photos with me in it, I've got to take them myself!

Grandma thought that the bike was just her size! As you can see it's not too far off :)

Because of the late hour Liam was getting really sensitive and clumsy. He kept falling off the bike and getting mad so we took it away. Then the crying really began in earnest.

But dessert makes everything better and soon he was happy again!


villagegirl said...

Yum! I can't wait until our dinner on Monday.
What a great gift for Liam! I love those bikes - such a great invention.
Poor wee lad. Real tears and everything! I do agree though...dessert does make everything better. :)

Kerry said...

What a great bike...I haven't heard of one without pedals...what a great idea. Happy Thanksgiving Rachel!!

Anonymous said...

You've got my mouth watering with pics of those desserts! I'll be busy making desserts tomorrow for our feast on Monday.