Thursday, February 16, 2012


This was Nathan's lunch today.  Juice....times five.
As you can see he's already pretty skinny so he's not on a diet but rather he is taking part in MEI Middle's 30 hour fast.  It's an optional activity but he was very keen to be a part of it.  If they raised a minimum of $50 they could join. He was able to raise much more than that...thanks family! All monies raised go towards the high school missions teams that are sent through out the world during spring break.  My boy already has a heart for missions!  He'll be at school from 6 pm - midnight playing games, participating in worship and then wrapping up the evening at midnight with FOOD! 
He can't wait to get some food in his growling belly!


Terry said...

Good for him, but he can hardly afford to lose the calories.

Trace said...

Go Nathan! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nathan! It's not an easy challenge, that's for sure.

Jenn said...

Good job Nathan! Isaiah did that last year and got very nauseous towards the end...