Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hard Work Pays Off

I am quite shocked at what a quick process this was (Oct - April).  Chad worked very hard with his 'homework' from the therapist and made excellent progress from one appointment to the next.
Our therapist was a delightful and encouraging lady who Chad really responded well to and this was a part of his success.
I'm delighted that I don't have the worry of having a child that talks 'funny' anymore.  We never minded too much but I know it bothered him and it's no fun to be teased about it either.  Chad had quite enough of being asked where his accent was from.
So, bravo Chad.
We are ever so proud of you!



Terry said...

Chad is a remarkable boy in many ways but this rapid success surprised us.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Chad! Love that guy. And yahoo for no more 4:20 appointments. I hear they create quite the rush!!

Lovella ♥ said...

I'm reminded here how I used to be teased for not being able to properly pronounce "bag" or "Frank" or any other word that had that "a" sound. It is really hard for a young person to have to think how to say a sentence without that difficult sound.
I'm so glad for Chad.

Anonymous said...

That's such good news!

Kori's House said...

Good work Chad!!