Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tin Woodman

ACT's spring production was the 'Wizard of Oz'.  Nate got a pretty significant role as the Tin Woodsman.  He did a great job and as always, we are proud!
Liam is at the age now where he can sit through a show without talking or fidgeting.  He was enthralled and enjoyed it so much.  He thinks Nathan is pretty cool!
 After the show everyone comes on stage to take pictures of the cast and some little kids want autographs.  It's so cute!  William doesn't do many family activities with us but I didn't give him a choice today.

Two of the many things I appreciate about ACT is that it's given Nathan a steady confidence in himself.  He might be a quiet sort of guy but he knows his mind and he's unshakable in his convictions.  Also, he's got a fantastic group of friends that are from all different schools, walks of life and beliefs.  I think this is so important to make him into a well-rounded person.  I never have wanted him to only have a bubble of just Christian friends.
So now we are finished with rehearsals until September.  Auditions for the next season are coming up in June and Chad says he's going to try out.  Good heavens!  Two actors in the family?  I don't know how we're going to handle post-production blues times two!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nate!