Friday, April 25, 2008

Lumps and Bumps Update

Thanks for the advice and such!
Chad came home today with a few more hives. I was quite worried yesterday when the hives travelled from his arms down to both of his legs. After a dose of Aerius he improved greatly and today we've given him another dose. He's obviously allergic to something and finding out specifically what it is....well quite like finding a needle in a haystack!
My elbow is a bit improved today. I hope tomorrow it will feel even better. Anything to avoid a visit to the doctor. I don't like doctors and having to go once a month for my pregnancy is traumtic enough in itself!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're both on the mend!

Shawna said...

hmmm, sorry I missed the elbow issue...the baby might be sucking the calcium from your body right now and your bones might be paying for it, up your dairy intake for a couple days and your engergy will be up and your joints will be so thankful, not to mention the baby will be happy as well ;)

villagegirl said...

Oh boy, what a week!
I hope your elbow is even better! I hate going to the doctor myself and would much rather wait it out than go if at all possible.

cayman77 said...

eeeeks! I hate sore joints- not fun at all!

onewomanstreasures said...

My youngest had hives like that too - last spring. I was advised by a health food store to give her high amounts of Vitamin C as it's a natural antihistamine, without any side effects (unless there's a serious o/d). I think I usually gave her a 500mg chewable when she got itchy. If that didn't stop it, then I gave her a second. It worked very nicely, and quickly!

Apparently adults have been known to take up to 2000mg at a time without issue.

Just an option if you don't like side effects from Aerius (I would give that at night time still).

Good luck with managing all the health issues in your home right now.

Canadian Kristin said...

Glad to hear the Aerius worked for Chad!

Weird about the elbow, glad it's better.


Lovella ♥ said...

too weird. I'm finding in menopause I'm having a variety of oddities happening to my body. You on the other hand in your prime. . hmmm, I hope it just goes away . .most things do in time.