Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting Kicked

I'm back from another doctor appointment. They still get my heartrate and blood pressure up but I am not dreading them like I used to. By the time I am completely comfortable going to the doctor's this baby will be born and I'll be avoiding that place again like the plague!
Today I saw Dr Shaw. She is the doctor that delivered Nathan. She is amazing and anyone who's seen her will tell you that! The boys and Keith came along with me today so it was a very full examining room! She was so good with the boys and offered to show them the baby on the ultrasound. They were very keen and interested as she showed them the baby's heart and face and 'boy parts'. Actually the baby had his hand over his privates so he was being very modest! He is head down with his back to my back. Posterier. According to the doctor, the most uncomfortable way to carry a baby. Nice...this child will have some explaining to do when he's born! It does explain the intense movements I am feeling out front and the alien-like ripples across my belly all the blessed day long! Other than that everything is looking great.
Afterwards the boys and I went to get a few groceries. While I was at Superstore I decided to bite the bullet and get some basics for this baby! I bought newborn diapers, wipes, Ivory Snow detergent and baby soap. Wow.....that sure was a dose of reality!

Since it's a nice cool day I am attempting a new recipe. Sour Cream Orange Buns. If they turn out I'll have to post a picture. I am hopeful!


Kerry said...

Glad to hear everything's or everyone is doing well. I went to Dr. Shaw before I moved here. Canada. I really liked her although she was a little too chipper at times...always with a bounce in her step. I guess that's not a bad thing though. So, the countdown is on...that's so exciting! Hope you have a great week.

Stephanie said...

Dear Rachel, I'm so excited for you!! Don't forget Amaze powdered detergent. That gets anything out. I'm still using it with my munchkin's messes.

Your orange buns look awesome :)

Kori's House said...

That's awesome Rach! Not much time now :)