Thursday, August 07, 2008

Not All Rosy

I do strive to keep my blog upbeat and positive but I have to admit there are days when I just want to throw in the towel! Not in regards to my blogging but just life in general. Just crawl into a nice safe cocoon and take a mental and physical break from everyone and everything.

I have been having one of those weeks. It's a bit reminiscent of that old evil PMS actually.

I am restless, I am cranky, I don't know what I want, I am being harsh with my family.

It certainly didn't set me off in the right direction this morning when Keith went to work and did not put out the garbage.

My floors are filthy and my laundry is piling up quickly. I am uninsprired about making dinners. My sleep is really uncomfortable and not at all giving me the rest I need.

Wow...what a pity party. I suppose in my next post I need to list all my blessings (because I know there are so many) but just for today can I be a crank-pot?


Kori's House said...

Oh I hear ya!!!
I think I have had 'perma-PMS' myself for way too long!!

I hope you are able to find some Peace in your day, get the things done that you need to AND have a chance to put your feet up.

Anonymous said...

Don't're not alone. I have many days like that. I'm just not usually brave enough to blog about it. :)

I hope that today brings you something to lift your spirits!

Murray and Tracy said...

I am sorry to hear you are not having a good week. If you can, take 1/2 hour out of the day, just for you. Do something alone and something that only you enjoy. Things will get better. If you need to talk, I am always an email or call away.

Kerry said...

You aren't alone...I feel that way many times...and you deserve the chance to vent, especially when you are in your most uncomfortable trimester. I'll be praying for ya.

Shawna said...

Yes - it's your blog, your life and you can cry about it if you want.

Thanks for talking about the not-so-rosey side of life all the time!

It's good to hear that I'm not the only one in that boat!

Jenn said...

You're not a crank pot! We all have days/weeks like that...When I was prego with Abby, I went through three weeks of insomnia towards the end and I was not a happy camper!! Thank God, I had two friends who stepped in to help. I'll pray that you get all the help and rest you need and that you feel better soon. Wish I was there to do something for you...

Stephanie said...

Oh, I can just imagine you having to take the garbage out this morning when you're feeling so uncomfortable and big. I feel for you. Can you get someone else to wash your floors for you until the end? That's hard work and you need to rest up.

Rachel said...

Better today...thanks ladies! I actually had a great sleep last night.
Yesterday I mopped all my floors and vacuumed and did eight loads of laundry!
To recover I spent the entire afternoon sitting on my deck and read almost a whole book.
A little hard work never hurt anyone :)

villagegirl said...

Oh dear girl. You can be cranky whenever you need to be - you so rarely are. I have days like that - those hormones can be nasty.
I'm glad today was a better day.