Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, it seems that babies and baking don't mix. Last night I was making dinner, mixing up dough for pizza buns, refereeing sibling rivalry and entertaining a whining, teething baby. Something suffered and that was my dough.
It was utterly disgusting and it took me all evening to try and think of why it didn't mix properly. I am pretty sure I doubled the water. The mass was sticky and gooey and no matter how much flour I added it would not pull away from the sides of the mixing bowl.

This dough felt just like a post partum tummy. Jiggly and soft. A feeling I know all too well.

I baked it up anyway to see what would happen. I got two flat, tough and gummy loaves of bread. The kids aren't fussy and quite enjoy a large piece warm from the oven with butter and jam. I need to stop multi-tasking so much!

On a brighter note, Liam slept in his crib last night without the bassinette and did his longest stretch ever! Exciting!
Also, he rolled over from his tummy to back. I missed it though. I put him on his tummy and then turned to talk to Chad and the next thing I know, he's right under my face looking rather startled!


Lovella ♥ said...

Oh boy .. you deserve a medal for all your mutitasking. . .I've served plenty of gummy things in my life. . .and still we continue to bake and every now and then, we can produce something that is declared delicious. I smiled at your colored font at describing the post partum belly. . .I tried to click on it. .thinking it was a link to a picture. . .

QuiltNut Creations said...

that is some huge loaves! and like Lovella said, you deserve a medal lol!

congrats on the good sleep and the rolling over!

Terry said...

One step back for mom, one step forward for Liam. All in a day's work!

Anonymous said...

Flops usually create good memories for kids because they don't have to be "saved" for an occasion, or have limits on the amount eaten. ...and those loaves look pretty good to me!

Keri's Collage... said...

I'd like some doughy hot bread with jam and butter :)

Canadian Kristin said...

Tee hee ......on the floppy bread and the surprised baby! Never a dull moment at your house!!!

Passionate Eater said...

That is okay, if the bread goes unfinished, then we can use the bread for breadcrumbs or French toast later! Your hard work will not go to waste!

Anonymous said...

I had that very thing happen to me with a batch of buns a couple of weeks ago. I turned them into some very lovely crumbs that I will use for future cooking endeavors. :)

villagegirl said...

Oh drat. I hate when that happens. It's true, more often than not if my dinner fails it's because I've been distracted. I agree too, you deserve a medal. And that you turned it into something that the kids will still eat - truly amazing.
Rolling over already! He sure is trying to catch his brothers!

Fiona said...

aren't you glad it was the dough that suffered, though, and not the kids? you're a great mom.

charlotte mgcc said...

i seemed to accomplish alot more when i had the little kids around more than i do now....then when i really think back, i had my share of baking/cooking what is my excuse now with the kids almost grown...;-)my family still has to eat the mishaps.

Keri's Collage... said...

My dessert just flopped so I know the feeling! The only problem is that I am the only person I can blame :(