Monday, March 09, 2009


Oh Liam why do you do this to us?!
Liam caught a mild cold in the first half of February. It ran it's course and we thought that was the end of it. For the second half of February until now he's had a bit of a rattle or wheeze you could say. You know how it sounds when you need to clear your throat. Liam would cough a time or two and it would clear up. It wasn't anything least that's what my mother's intuition told me. My mother's inutition is apparently defective.
Today he was raspy all day. It was very phlegmy sounding when he breathed. I still was dithering on what to do about it because in all other respects he appeared completely healthy. Robust, hungry, rosy-cheeked, smiling, squealing and all that delicious baby behaviour. Keith came home from work tonight, heard him breathing and made an immediate decision to take him to the local walk-in. I was skeptical because we haven't had much luck with walk-in clinic doctors. But this time we lucked-out with a great doctor. The doctor on duty was our regular GP's associate. I've met her a few times in the past and have a great feeling about her. She got Liam's history, listened to his chest and sent Keith with a referral letter straight to ER for x-rays. Once Keith got to the ER he was fast tracked through triage and saw the attending physician very quickly. The x-ray wasn't great but it wasn't bad enough to admit him. Thank-you God! He's was given a prescription for the same meds he was on back in January. Also, the doctor gave strict instructions for the future. When Liam gets any sort of cough, wheeze, rattle etc to take him to the doctor pronto. That way we can get the Ventalin and treat him before it gets worse. We will need to invest in a nebulizer since this is going to probably be Liam's weak point in his health for a few years at least.
When Keith got home with Liam you should have heard the squeals of delight from that baby! One wouldn't think a 5 month old would miss his mom and brothers so much but if you could have seen was a sight to see.


Anonymous said...

Awww...little guy. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't more serious though. Will be praying for a speedy recovery.

Canadian Kristin said...

Your mother's instinct isn't defective as Liam wasn't bad enough to be really, your instinct was glimpsing the future of your babe back home and on his way to good health! :-)
Glad you now have an action plan for future colds and won't have to worry and guess about what to do!

Terry said...

The fast-tracking was very good and now at least you have a good plan of action for future incidents. Yes, he always looks so good and very healthy that it is very deceiving.

Kori's House said...

Other than the rattle in his chest he looks so good. He's a little trickster :)

Colleen said...

Oh, it warmed my heart when you spoke of his happy squeals. All's right with the world.


And (ahem) - Surrey, BC. :)

Murray and Tracy said...

Ahh poor Liam. I hope he is feeling better soon. Give him a big hug for us. :)

charlotte mgcc said...

poor little fella.......i am glad that it isn't as bad as before. those little people sure can keep us hopping.
hope that he continues to improve and that you all can sleep well at night!

Jenn said...

So glad he's fine!

The Riley's said...

From the picture you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with him! Hope he is feeling better soon.

Shawna said...

So not fun -- Hope he's getting better now and that y'all have recovered from the weekends events!