Saturday, March 06, 2010


Yesterday Keith suggested that we all head down to Bellingham to shop because he needed new shoes. I was not overly enthusiastic in my reply. I do not own enough patience to shop with three kids AND my husband. Seeing my reluctance he promised we would only go to ONE shoe store and the rest of the time we could spend in Fairhaven. Well.....OKAY! I'd been wanting to head down there for some time now and with all this glorious sun it seemed like a good idea.

Liam entertained with his kazoo during the one hour wait at the border. Actually Liam was much better behaved than I could have imagined. There is hope.....

Fairhaven is super quaint with loads of interesting shops, cafes, and people! Lots of hippes. It was pretty busy and it took a while to find a parking spot. Everyone had the same brilliant idea it seemed. We found an incredible toy shop to browse in and ended up buying a few small items. Keith and the boys also picked up a sandwich from a cafe but otherwise we didn't go into any other stores. I think we'll save that for a trip without the kids.

The helpful owner of the toy shop told us about a great walking trail along the water. We immediately headed in that direction to find that there were as many people on the trail as in the town. That being said it was nothing like the crowds of the Olympics, so no complaints!

At the end of the trail there was a great park. We let Liam free from the stroller to run around while the boys threw their new 'gadget' around the park. This park must be very close to WWU as there were college students in every direction soaking up the sun, playing frisbee, studying, picnicing or just playing guitar on the grass. It was a nice vibe.

The air was salty and the wind was crisp. Perfect!

After our nice long walk we headed back to Bellis Fair and my husband did find shoes in the first store we walked into. Wonders never cease! We quickly left before we could get sucked back into the shops and headed home. I had already spent a wad of money that morning and my credit card needed a rest. I bought tickets to go see 'The Lion King' which is coming this summer to Vancouver! So excited about that! was a great day and we look forward to some more family fun next week.


sultana said...

I like your new haircut with the bangs !

villagegirl said...

What a lovely day! I have the same idea I wanted to try out this week. i'm just not sure we'll have as nice a day. Oh well.

villagegirl said...

P.S. I love the kazoo picture. Chad looks a bit pained. :)

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Fairhaven but it looks like a terrific place to spend a sunny day.

Kerry said...

I've never been to Fairhaven, but it definitely looks like a place worth visiting. Great pictures!!

cayman77 said...

Ive never been either- but the amtrak is near there- and it would be great to hop on!