Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Stressful Week

Parenthood comes with it's surprises. Some are pleasant and others not. We have had a few very unpleasant surprises with Nathan these past two weeks. It came to our attention via emails from Nathan's school that he has not been doing his assigned schoolwork. What's worse is that Nathan has been telling us a series of lies about the situation. It's been a hard week with trying to get all these assignments complete and figuring out the best way to discipline Nathan in regards to the laziness about his work and lying to his teachers and parents. I'm sure Keith and I have added a few grey hairs to our heads in the past little while! Monday starts afresh with term three and we do hope to wipe the slate clean and have a much better time of it with Nathan. I think (and hope) he realizes how serious it is to tell lies and that school work isn't an option and that he needs to ask for help if he is overwhelmed. Time will tell.
Below is one of the projects that needed to be completed last week so he wouldn't fail Social Studies. Keith, Nathan and myself worked on that sucker for two full nights (and therefore my bathroom renos had come to a complete toilet in our main right now!) and it was done in the nick of time. On a positive note, Chad brought home an incredible report card yesterday! He's exceeding expectations in most of his subjects and his teacher had nothing but positive comments to say. Nathan's report card comes April 1st and I'm hoping it's not as bad as I fear!


Ang said...

so what grade did you get on the project? :)

poof said...

Too much partying, that's why! :)

My kids got tired of all those endless repetitive poster board projects too. I've got a stack of them in the attic, want to borrow one? :) I guess I should throw them out, but I put so much work into them. Haha...

Don't worry, he's a very smart boy and will do well in life.

Kerry said...

I think the transition from one grade to the next can be pretty hard...I remember when I taught English down here and the grade 6 students did great, but once they got to grade 7 they were hit with a ton of extra responsibilities and half of them were failing. Or, maybe it's just a phase. :) Sorry, not much help. In my case, if my kids lie to the teacher or to the parent, I know..ahh...the benefit of home schooling. :)

Anonymous said...

We have a child like that who is always scrambling at the end of every term to do all of the assignments she's neglected to do. SO frustrating! The worst part is trying to come up with methods to reform her. So far nothing is working. Ugh.