Sunday, April 15, 2012

Five Becomes Seven

Our family is embarking on new unchartered territory.  It's a bit of a long story but to summarize we are having two MEI students come and live with us for a month...possibly until the end of the school year.  Mom is in a rather desperate situation as her husband who runs their business on the Island is quite ill and she needs to go and take care of him.  She asked MEI if there would be a family who could take in her kids while she does this.  Keith and I were asked and considered it carefully.  We decided we could do this as we have plenty of room and it would give us practice for  having an international student we are considering for later this summer! 
So another son and a daughter (!!) will be arriving today. Victor is in grade 7 and Melissa is in grade 12.  They are Canadian Koreans.  They seem to be very nice kids and I hope we can make them feel a part of the family.
I am excited, nervous and......eeeks!  Am I crazy?
This committment involves a lot of extra driving due to the amount of extra curricular activities they are involved in but thankfully it's all fairly close to home. 
I'll keep you all posted on the adventures that lay ahead!


Stephanie said...

I'm sure they will love it at your place. Hopefully their dad will get better soon! Must be scary for them. All the best to you as you open your home to them!

Terry said...

I am sure it will be good for all of you.

Trace said...

Wow!! I am sure it will all go great!! :)

Jenn said...

We have two international students living with us right now and we love it for the most part. But yes, there is the extra driving... Good for you guys being willing to help this family out.

QuiltNut Creations said...

good luck Rachel. such a great thing you are doing to help out. enjoy!!

auntie h said...

I am sure that as you bless this family, you (and your family) will also be blessed. May God give you wisdom and patience and LOTS of energy for the all the extras this commitment will entail.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you guys a lot lately and praying for you as well. Can't wait to hear updates on how it's all going!