Saturday, April 14, 2012

A.C.T. Presents ~ Snow White

This spring's production was 'Snow White'.  Not exactly the Disney version but close.  It had to be amended to fit 37 actors!  It was well always.
Nathan was one of four mousekateers and even though it was a fairly minor role he played it with excellence. Freddy the director always says "There are no small parts, only small actors"!
Snow White was beautiful and I'm sorry I didn't get her photo.  She could definitely make it in Disneyland.  All the little girls that attended the play in their own princess costumes had their pictures taken with her after the show.
So, there goes another season and since Nathan is so passionate about A.C.T. I'm sure we'll be back for the fall season as well.

In the lobby they had all the actor's bios and instead of a write up about themselves they were to finish this sentence:  When I am 30.....
This was due to the fact it is ACT's 30th anniversary!
Nathan really doesn't want to be a plumber but he told me he didn't know what to put down so just randomly made something up!
It was very entertaining to read all the kids write ups.  Most had very common visisons of being married and starting a family by age 30.  I would have thought that was all very passe to this modern generation and was pleased to see it.  I think it shows these kids come from happy homes and they want that for themselves one day.  It's a fantastic group of kids and I'm so pleased Nathan has found his niche.


Terry said...

An excellent production, again. Nate is so very dashing as a muskateer, tall, handsome and brave looking.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I was wondering about that bit about being a plumber. Thanks for the explanation.