Sunday, April 01, 2012

Year 1 Anniversary

We have been in our 'new to us' house for one year now.  It's felt like a year....we've experienced each season in this home and are getting to know it better.  Summers are nice and cool on the main floor and basement.  The upstairs is horribly hot.  Winters are toasty warm on the main and the basement is even warmer but the upstairs is freezing.  The house is quite sound proof and it's not often I hear the rain or wind during the night.  All in all a good house!  We have accomplished a lot in making the house 'ours' but I feel we do have a long ways to go yet.  The bare walls abound and there are many empty spaces that just need something...but I don't know what!  All in good time, I tell myself.  Patience!
Here is some of the transformation thus far....
 The entry hasn't been changed dramatically but the floral faux stained glass applique was removed and the paint color updated and of course the new baseboards.

 The family room was painted and received a new sofa set and area rug.

 We found a home for the two bald guys (our invaluable moving help!!!) and patched up the grass.  Keith worked very hard to install his hot tub, build planters and extend the patio

 The livingroom/dining room received new carpet and paint and 2-inch blinds.  The empty walls are crying for a decorator's touch!  Oh and unlimited access to a bottomless bank account.

 New carpet and paint for the entire upper floor, more 2-inch blinds on the landing window and new baseboards.
 Keith did a beautiful new wood trim between the living and dining rooms.  I can't wait to get a new buffet in the space in the dining room.  One day!
 The man cave already had decent paint and fairly new good quality carpet so we didn't do too much there.  Just a new sectional and it's one of our favorite rooms!
Future projects include getting our office/computer room in order.  Making a guest room with a proper bed and some yard work is really needed. 
It feels like home and we love it.


Terry said...

You have done amazing things in only one year!

Stephanie said...

It looks truly beautiful, Rachel.

villagegirl said...

It really does look like your home. I love what you've done! It's just gorgeous. You have great taste and it's better to wait to find the right things to fit your space and walls. I still have empty spaces on some walls and it's been 6 1/2 years!
Happy House Anniversary!

Trace said...

You have done so many amazing things in that year!!! It's looks beautiful! We've had our home 3 years this month and while we have knocked over some huge projects (roof restoration, termite treatment, ceiling insulation and security) all of the big 'cosmetic' stuff has gone on hold while I am at home. We're just itching to continue with making it ours. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been a year already. The house is looking fantastic!

Jenn said...

Where did you get the sectional from? I likey!