Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Since I work 30 hours a week and am also the chief cook and bottle washer at home I need a routine.  Without a routine my life would be (to me anyhow) very stressful and chaotic.  I thrive on predicability and order.  Some people would not like this at all but for me it's the very definition of sanity.
I do the same thing every single Wednesday.  Laundry, vacuuming, groceries (meal planning and the list is made Tuesday night),cleaning the bathrooms and often baking a batch of buns.  It takes me most of the day as I often have other errands to run, Liam to entertain and kids to pick up from school.  It's also the day I make any sort of appointments for myself or the kids.  Plus I like to make a good dinner on Wednesdays so there are decent leftovers for lunches the next day.
Keith does help out a lot with stuff around the house and thankfully never thinks anything is just 'women's work'.  He generally makes dinner on Fridays too which is a nice break.
By doing things in this fashion I feel organized and calm which in turn makes our home life a lot more pleasant for everyone!
This also leaves our weekends free for doing whatever we'd like as opposed to being filled with household chores. 
How does your routine work?
Do you even have one?
Do I sound like the most OCD person you ever met?
Maybe don't answer that last question!


Anonymous said...

I basically have no routine. I used to have one but it flew out the window a couple of years ago. Now I usually just fly by the seat of my pants.

Kori's House said...

I have a flexible routine :)
My Wednesday usually includes a stop at one or more grocery stores, a nice dinner and usually baking - buns, muffins or cookies. I try not to do any house cleaning on Wednesday if I can help it :)

villagegirl said...

I hear you!! I thrive on routine. I like things in order and have had to work very hard since being married and having kids to not freak out every time 'my' plan gets changed, which is actually rather often. I like to have my meals planned (not necessarily by day but so that I have the ingredients needed) and I have found that doing a little bit of housework and a load of laundry per day is much less stressful than cramming it into one day and have it fall to pieces hours after completing it. i also like to accomplish everything during the week so our weekends are free.
Sounds like you have things very under control, which is beneficial for everyone!!

QuiltNut Creations said...

I started on a routine when #3 started preschool, I love it. My day is Friday, actually some of the chores have wandered into Thursday night but I don't mind. I like to spend my days off for ME, not cleaning lol. Same with the weekends, it's so nice to not have to worry about cleaning when I can be hanging out with my family :)

Trace said...

I am a creature of habit. Without a routine I become a little nutty (a lot nutty if you ask Dylan). I plan it (or try to) so that everything is done during the week so there's no chores for the weekend. Then I just break it down and do a little bit each day and try to get it all done before Dylan gets home so we can then do something as a family. However with Lincoln now walking and only napping once a day I don't have as much time to get everything done. He is going non-stop when he is up. So I've had to change the old routine again to fit the non baby friendly chores and 5 minutes of 'me' time in during nap time. :) Usually the me time gets sacrificed though. LOL!