Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day....A Bit of a Joke!

I know that not liking this 'special' day makes me an ingrate and a whiner but it never lives up to my expectations.  There is pressure from all sides to please the mothers in your life which leaves no room to please yourself.  So....if Mother's Day vanished from the calendar I would be the first to let up a big cheer!

Excerpt from an online blog from another Mother's Day 'hater':

I long to celebrate Mother's Day my way: quietly, selfishly. I spend every day with my family. On Mother's Day, I just want to be left alone, to do whatever I want, whenever I want, the way I could before I became a mother. I fantasize about sitting on my front porch with a seasonal beverage, and reading in the breeze. I want to garden, but only a little. I want to jog without a stroller. I want to eat a salad from start to finish, with no interruptions, vegetable complaints, or ketchup. I wouldn't mind pushing a button to summon my children, briefly. I would smile at them, feel pride. But then I would want to push another button and send them away again. I wouldn't mind a date with my husband, but preferably to two different movies. In his, some fellow could make clever quips as he kills bad guys, stops runaway trains, and beds large-bosomed beauties. My film would be foreign, subtitled, and evoke memories of my time as a college student overseas. Perhaps we could meet for dinner afterwards, but only at a restaurant where they use real napkins and none of the choices is macaroni and cheese. 


villagegirl said...

Ha! That's good. I especially like the button idea. :)
I do not hate Mother's Day but this year I've taken a giant step back. We will not be rushing from one mother's place to another. I won't be making dinner and I've almost completely tossed out all expectations. I'll let you know how it turns out. :)

villagegirl said...

Happy Mother's Day to you anyhow...cuz you are a good one. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

You need kids in baseball...mother's day in enjoyed outdoors with a coffee in hand :)

Terry said...

That kind of Mother's Day should not too difficult to arrange. But with chocolate and flowers too!

Anonymous said...

I felt more like that when my kids were younger. Now, not so much. They aren't around as much so I cherish the time that they actually want to spend with me.

sultana said...

Just wait till everyone's grown up and them come around only to say" I love you !" Mother's Day becomes more special as we age.

Gaye said...

Mother'Day is special when you get to be my age. Everyone gets dressed up, they give you sentimental cards which will go with you to the Menno home to peruse when you are lonely. As you enjoy a special lunch with them, you have the opportunity to savor each moment as you thank God for each one--- that they are healthy, happy and enjoying life. This last weekend, one mother lost her only two sons. I still have my precious family. Each day is a gift, even Mother's Day.