Tuesday, May 01, 2012

My Girls

Good friends are a valuable commodity.  I wouldn't say I have lots and lots of friends but truly value the ones I do have.  I hope they know that!
This picture was taken during a shopping expidition to Seattle with some of my besties.  It was so much fun.  Shall we go again, ladies?!


Anonymous said...

You know it's a good time when people are laughing so hard that they're crying. :)

villagegirl said...

Yes, please! Lets pick a day!
I don't recall what we were laughing about but obviously it was very funny. :)
It was so much fun.

Keri's Collage... said...

Wow, seems like SO long ago! What a fun trip!
I'm the sleep deprived one, so always on the verge of tears whether something is sad or funny :) I'm tearing up thinking about it! haha