Wednesday, May 09, 2012


It's been quite a week. 
Keith is currently away in Sooke at a fire prevention convention.  Being mom to five on my own is quite a handful!
Things are going pretty well with our new family members.  With each week they become more comfortable with us which has it's good and bad points.  The boys have had a few blow-outs with each other.  Victor is high energy and is always after the boys to do stuff with him.  My kids are a lot more low-key and independent.  They do not enjoy being pestered 24-7.  We've had to have a lot of chats with Nate and Chad about being a gracious host.  That being said, Victor is fairly well-behaved and responds well to correction.  Melissa is low-maintenance.  She texts, uses her lap-top and plays with Liam quite a bit. 
What they both do fantastically well is eat.  I've never seen children eat so much...especially kids with small builds.  I'm having trouble keeping up making enough food at meals.  There have been times when I have to put food aside before I put it on the table so Keith and I have something to eat.  For instance, last night I made 36 pizza buns and within 15 minutes they were all gone minus the five I put aside for Melissa who was at her tutor.  Seriously!!!  My grocery bill is massive.
It's been a big growing experience for us all. 
No other news at this point.  I feel like we are in coping mode which doesn't leave a lot of time left over for fun trips, activities or anything like that.  Never mind that we don't have a vehicle to get us all out together.  After driving them to their activities, sports etc all week I'm just trying to recover on the weeekends! 
We are heading to a wedding for my cousin on the May long weekend that I am looking forward to very much. 
Year-end wrap up and preparing for next fall at school is in full force.  Summer vacation can't come soon enough!  I look forward to re-charging my batteries.


Terry said...

Hang in there. It will wind down soon and then you will appreciate your old life.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I feel tired just reading about how busy you've been. Hope the time flies by quickly!

villagegirl said...

Wow. That is hectic! You won't know what to do with yourself once they leave!
Hang in there!

Jenn said...

Craziness! I understand all too well with two international students in our home and a husband often on road trips. Some days I don't keep up at all!