Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Innocent Bride No More

Well, you can't go back but if you can still put on your wedding dres you're doing alright!  Actually since I was not a frail, skinny bride my dress still fits and is actually too big.  It was fun to put it on last night even though it reeks of mothballs and needs to be ironed desperately.
Keith surprised me with a Kobo e-reader for our anniversary.  I'm SO excited.  Now if I could only figure out how to borrow items from the library with it...help!


Keri's Collage... said...

You look cute in your wedding dress! I think it's been at least 10 years since I tried mine on :)
Great gift...Kristin may be able to help you with your library questions!

Anonymous said...

Aww...you look so pretty in your dress.

villagegirl said...

Well, when you figure out how, let me know. We've tried and there seems to be a waiting list of about 600 people. I don't get that. I think it would be better to just buy it. You can find some great deals for $.99 - not sure what kind of books but there are also some for free.
What a thoughtful gift from your hubby!

Gaye said...

You are on a waiting list for each book because the library buys the rights for only so many copies of a certain book. It is worth the wait if you know what book you want and what books they have. I like to purchase books from ereader sites. Theya are always cheaper than in the store.