Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow for us....round five?

Now, we are very used to grey wet winters in our corner of the planet, not white ones! Once again we woke up to a lovely blanket of snow this morning. The schools were open though so we made the trek to the far corners of the city to our school in the country.
This is about half a block from the school

Most of the route to school is through main roads and highways but the last stretch is a long country road with a HUGE hill and very deep ditches on each side. It's this part that makes a parent white knuckle the steering wheel! We made it! I always say a little prayer of thanks for that. Anyhow...once we got there the principal told us to please turn around and go home. The forecast said it would snow most of the day so picking up the kids later on would probably asking for trouble. She didn't need to tell me twice so we turned around our trusty car and made it back. The boys and I decided to take their new sled out for the morning. This neighborhood has two wonderful parks with steep hills that are perfect for sledding....we tried them both! I am very out of shape and was huffing and puffing up and down those darn slopes! We came home and shovelled the driveway and by this time we were quite wet. That means only one thing.....hot chocolate! It's been a great day so far and I hope this snow doesn't melt too quickly but the forecast does call for some warmer temps in the coming days. We'll just enjoy it while we can.


Anonymous said...

What a great day...and those rosy cheeks! I love the snow and a cup of hot chocolate after goes down such a treat! We practically lived on hot chocolate on holidays this Christmas. Make the most of the winter weather while it lasts! xo

villagegirl said...

Looks like a wonderful day! Yay for snow and no school. I can't believe how much snow we've had. Keep it coming I say!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had snow days. Our kids have never had a snow day in 9 years!! I'm starting to wonder how much snow it would take for Kamloops to shut the schools. Apparently we're a hardy bunch of people! :)

Murray and Tracy said...

What a perfect day, you guys look like you had so much fun. Yahooo for the snow. I am really hoping for more snow tonight.

Kori's House said...

I was so sad that I had to go to work today. I enjoyed watching it out the window, until the temperature started going up and the rain started sprinkling down!

Anonymous said...

Rachel, thanks for sharing those great photos. Looks like you had a great day with your boys. Good memories!

Anonymous said...

Those ditches are creepy. A few years ago one family from school ended up in one of those water filled ditches with their jeep.

Canadian Kristin said...

Another snow day.....such a treat!!! Looks like a very fun day for Mommy and sons!