Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Getting Flack

This one's for you Dad! Apparently he is concerned about my lack of posts and needs an update. Well, shoot. There is nothing much exciting or blog worthy happening lately. I mean if you really want all the boring details I can share those. How about a little run down? Try not to yawn throughout!
Let's see.....my last post was Thursday. Friday I worked all day and in the evening we had my cousin Erin and her family over for some visiting and playing Settlers. It was nice to catch up and most lovely to hold their little princess. Their youngest is just about six months and a very sweet baby. The boys all played downstairs on the Play Station for most of the evening.
I also worked Saturday. Immediately after work, Kori and I headed to a wedding of a co-worker. She has some photos on her blog if you are interested. Then after getting home and saying a quick howdy to my family, we parted ways and I left for a girl's night out (photos on Kori's blog) and Keith headed to his mom's for a big family dinner. Another late night!
Sunday we woke up bright and early for church and then came back home so I could get to work in the kitchen. We had invited more cousins for dinner....two couples and one little baby boy! So as I cooked away the afternoon, Keith did all the tidying and cleaning up in the house. Truly a joint effort! The meal was a success and we had a grand time visiting with them and admiring baby Charlie. They all live in the city so it wasn't a late night.
Monday I worked a 12 hour day. The evening shift was purely voluntary but it's not often I get the chance to earn extra money so I took it. We have recently renovated our office and we have been working extra hard to get all the files moved from filing cabinets into our lovely new filing room. Kori and I have war wounds to prove our hard work...plenty of paper cuts and cuticle damage!
Today was my day off but that doesn't mean a day off work. It just means work of another kind! After I dropped the kids to school I went to a dentist appointment. Laying back in that chair for 1 hour was actually the most relaxing part of my day! Then it was off to do a few errands before I had to pick up Chad. Then we had lunch and noticed that the sun was trying very hard to make an appearance. So I thought that I should do some yard work. So I hauled out the pruning shears and rake and set to work. I cut back all the shrubs and rake out all the flower beds. To my surprise I found some pretty yellow crocuses under all that grub. Chad and I filled four large garbage bags of wet and rotting leaves. My compost bin is full otherwise I would have tried to stuff it all in there. It started to rain just as we were finishing....perfect timing! Then we went off to get Nathan from school. Back home to get a snack, do homework and start dinner. Yeehaw! Nathan was supposed to be at soccer tonight but the thought of standing in the cold wind and rain just wasn't cutting it for me. This is generally Keith's duty but he's at a union meeting tonight. Are you still awake out there? People? HELLO!
You are now updated. Completely.
Time to be amused by Colin and Justin on 'How Not to Decorate'. Those guys are hilarious!


onedayatatime said...

Whoa! I got tired just reading about how busy you've been...LOL!

Kori's House said...

You have certainly done your fair share of entertaining since you moved! Phew!!

I can't believe you braved the weather today. what a crazy day!

villagegirl said...

Wow! I'm so impressed! You are truly a woman of many talents. I'm tired just reading about it!
Oh are those the guys with the lovely accents! I'd watch if only to listen. :)

Anonymous said...

I can see now why you have not posted for a while. Busy, busy busy, and getting more like your mother everyday. But that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with blogging about the regular routine of life. Of course,I should probably take my own advice. :)

Colleen said...

Yeah, I find the dentist is where I relax the most, too.
