Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day of Rest

It's been a busy week....and it's going to be another busy week ahead. I think this is how my life is going to play out for the foreseeable future. The boys are involved in soccer, choir, and Wee College this fall. I may possible add swimming to the roster. Shall I just push pins into my eyes while I am at it? I had thought that my new shift would be just so wonderful and relaxing....hah! It's great to have a six hour day but it's just as busy and tiring. I am on the go from 6:15 am to whenever I collapse into bed. Working four days a week has been a bit of a change from three....I definitely wouldn't have thought one extra day would make a difference but it has. Anyhow, today was the extent of my weekend. I worked Saturday and will work again Monday. We had no plans today after church and that was what I needed. I lazed about on the couch and read a book. The boys (including their Dad) created all sorts of robotic and lego-ish creatures. I did have to do a little grocery shopping so the kids would have food in their lunch boxes. Going to Superstore on a Sunday is sheer madness though and I needed to lay on the couch for an hour afterwards to recover!

The boys were treated to an indoor picnic for supper tonight. The gourmet menu consisted of chicken strips, carrot sticks and grapes. Oh yum :) Keith made everything and brought it downstairs to us. We were watching 'Finding Nemo'. A rainy cool afternoon is perfect for a movie!

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Anonymous said...

I love afternoons like that. :)

Fiona said...

Wow. I'm tired when I get home from work and I don't have to take care of anyone else. I don't know how working Mom's do it, but my respect goes out to you! I hope you can get some more "you" time soon.

sultana said...

Way to go girl. Taking your day of rest literally will go a long way to recovering from a routine crazy week called life.

Canadian Kristin said...

Lazing about is the perfect "fall day" in my books!!! if only we could find a delivery service and maid for free we'd be golden!!!

Lovella ♥ said...

Boy that brings back memories. We often did that when our boys were little and the coffee table even looks the same.
Little celebrations make a happy family.

villagegirl said...

Sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon. I am starting to understand how much your life changes once kids enter school and lessons and such. And Ethan only goes twice a week!
You are a super mom! And you are wise to rest up once in a while.

Kori's House said...

I am glad you were able to have a real day of rest!! Hard to do sometimes, but needed!!

Perhaps I will re-think the 4 day work week thing! I am struggling with working Mondays & Tuesdays! Last year I always had Mondays off which allowed me to prepare for my week. I must say I am really enjoying Roger making dinner 2-3 nights a week!

Keri's Collage... said...

I don't think we have had a picnic in the living room in this house yet! I will keep that one tucked up my sleeve for the next rainy weekend that we are home!

Keri's Collage... said...

PS...what's in that third bottle on the table? Hot sauce?

Colleen said...

Oh I love the picnic! It reminds me of the time our power went out when I lived on Laburnum and so we had a hotdog roast in the fireplace. :)