Sunday, September 09, 2007


Every September our church has an outdoor service to kick off all the fall programs, come together as a church body (we have three services per weekend) and have a huge church picnic. The sun shone brightly as it seems to do for us each year. The music was great, the kids got tons of candy (they throw it into the crowds during the pre-service games) and the free Bread Garden lunch was very tasty. The boys and their friends enjoyed all the bouncy structures after lunch while the adults chatted. What a great Sunday!

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Canadian Kristin said...

We saw those jumphouses, but weren't sure who was throwing the party....looked like fun, though!!! The weather couldn't have been better for it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good time was had by all.

Lovella ♥ said...

How fun, I wonder if we were sitting beside one another and didn't know it?

Your picture collage is great.

villagegirl said...

Those are great photos! One day we'll be able to stay for all the fun stuff. :)

Colleen said...

Well, that clear blue sky says it all - you really couldn't order up a more perfect day!