Tuesday, September 04, 2007

School Days are Here Again

Another summer is over and this morning was the highly anticipated 'back to school' event. Yes....my kids were very excited to be back. They had missed their friends over summer very much. Plus we had found out that they both are in classes with their best buddies so that made going back extra exciting.

Chad 1st Grade Nate 4th Grade

How cute is this? Chad's teacher had an apple for each desk and a little welcome note for each student. Awwww....I love her already! From talking with some other moms I have learned that his teachers (he has two ladies who job-share) are the absolute best!

I snuck over to Nate's class after school started and got a picture of him hard at work already! He has a male teacher this year....first time. I know grade 4 is a bit of a transition year....more homework and all that. I am confident that Nathan will do just fine!

To celebrate my new found freedom I went to the mall and bought a new purse :) Good thing I am working an extra day each week as it is much safer for me to be occupied at the office than at the malls!

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Theresa said...

Sounds like you have exactly the same teachers we had in gr. 1 & 4!!! I wonder, I wonder...

QuiltNut Creations said...

too cute Rachel

villagegirl said...

Aw, they are SO cute. Although I'm sure Nathan is thinking he's a bit to old to be thought of as cute. :)
It's so nice when they anticipate school with such excitement!

cayman77 said...

Your boys are adorable. They could be poster kids- you know- for gap or somethin! :)and they are so polite!

Colleen said...

How awesome is that first photo!! Seriously. Awesome.

Kori's House said...

They always look so handsome in their back to school uniforms!!

Hard to believe we aren't pushing strollers to the park anymore isn't it!

Canadian Kristin said...

Great teachers and school with your best buddies....what more could a kid (and the Mom) ask for!!!

Let's see the purse......

Lovella ♥ said...

I love the uniforms, our kids always had uniforms too and they looked so sharp.
I'm so glad your kids are happy in their classes and the transitions seemed to go a lot smoother than I anticipated.