Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rescue Me

There are so many titles I could have give this post. 'On Being an Idiot' or 'Platinum Blond Moment' or 'Thoughtless Bimbo'. It was hard to chose.
The morning started off alright. The usual routine of getting the kids to school and all that. This was my first day off with both my boys at school all day and I was delighted to fill it up with plenty of errands. My first item of the day was to buy some ornamental grass to plant along one side of our fence as a screen. We are tired of the children next door staring at us at we eat our dinner on the deck. So I found some lovely stuff and couldn't wait to get it planted. So, when I got home I quickly got on my old gardening shoes and got myself to the backyard to plant it. After a job well done and doing some puttering around with the rest of the yard, a thought popped into my head. Oh dear, I thought. How will I get back into the house? I came out of the garage and closed the door behind me! I checked all the doors and they were securely locked. I was officially locked out of my home! I calmly thought of all my options.....1. break-in 2.knock on a neighborhood door to use their phone 3. walk to the fire hall
Number one wasn't really a good idea. The only window that was open was our bedroom and it was too high up. And the screens are very needs a tool to pry them off and I would not want to ruin it. All the other windows were either shut or just open a crack. Nope...that wasn't truly an option. Number two wasn't really going to work either because first of all I don't know many of our neighbors and most of them are at work. I am too shy to go knocking on strangers' doors! Silly me. That left option three, so I took myself and my nasty gardening sneakers for a lovely walk to the middle of town. I told myself that it would be great to get in some exercise on such a gorgeous sunny day. I could top up my tan (as I was wearing a tank top) and work off my mini-wheats :) As I walked I formulated what I might say when I got to the fire hall. I could not be sure that Keith was in the office. He is often in the far corners of our large city doing inspections. I really did not want to explain to the gals at the front desk why I need to get a hold of him or why I didn't know his direct cell phone number (it's on speed dial, so why would I need to know?). In this train of thought I decided to detour by my parents house in the slight hope that they might be home. I knew that they had Keith's cell number and I could just call him direct and avoid further embarrassment. Of course they weren't home. And as tempting as it was to break into their house (I've done it before :)) I wasn't far from the hall and decided to just get on with it.
So I trotted up the front walk of the fire station and boldly marched up to the front counter with a very glistening brow (it was stinkin' hot out!). Oh praise be! Keith was in his little cubicle working with his back to me. I was so, SO happy. So I whispered in a rather urgent voice to get his attention...Keith...KEITH! He turned around and jump out of his chair. He was happy to see me but a bit perplexed as I never drop by unannounced.
I explained the entire situation and he laughed. Rescued by the Fire Service. Thank you sweetie! I got a ride home in the fire car and at any other time it would have been a fun novelty but I was anxious to get home and return to my day to myself!
Lesson learned....hope to never be repeated again!


Kori's House said...

Oh Rachel! It's all my fault!!
Wasn't it just Tuesday that I said you should have a spare key somewhere :(
Glad it was a sunny day for a walk and glad Keith works close :)

Chris said...

I locked myself out of the house last week on Friday after dropping the kids off at school. I felt like a truck had run me over but could not leave the empty garbage cans on the curb. I ran back out to bring them in, shutting the LOCKED door behind me. I had to walk up to the store on the corner, borrow the phone and get Cory to drive home from Langley to let me in. I praise God he was not in some town halfway across BC! I think I will follow Kori's advice and hide a spare.

Lovella ♥ said...

so you went hiking then? In the end you treated yourself to the best view you could possibly want, right?

Rachel said...

Lovella, I love your perspective! That is precisely what happened :)

Thanks Kori....I will get a key made and keep it somewhere safe.

Chris....glad I am not the only one!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel! I can't decide if your story is really traumatic or really funny. Maybe a bit of both. :) Thank goodness everything turned out alright.

sultana said...

We did that just last spring. We actually broke into our 2cd storey bedroom window with our friends holding the ladder. That window is now secure and we hope to learn from that experience.

villagegirl said...

Oh man! That was always my worst fear at our last place. It could have been so easily done! Well, you got some exercise and lovely sun out of it! Glad it all worked out and you were wearing real shoes and not flip flops. :)

Delayne said...

Rachel! I am relieved to know that my super organized, always-on-top-of-things friend occasionally has a bit of a lapse :). Sorry for your trouble, but I enjoyed hearing about the story immensely! Glad you got to enjoy the sunshine (and that it didn't happen in the middle of one of our famous West Coast downpours!).

Kyle and Lynnette said...

dont worry...i did this once while i was babysitting once a long time ago....and me and the kids were stuck outside. good thing the neighbor had a key, i wasnt afraid to ask since i didnt know them! funny times, you can laugh about now i bet!

Jenn said...


Those kind of things happen to me about once a month, so don't feel too blonde! Sad thing is I'm VERY brunette!

Murray and Tracy said...

That is terrible. I so feel for you. I have had that happen to me. Only it was Murray who locked me out in the backyard and he went out. My story is... I went into the backyard to pressure wash the patio and Murray closed the patio door and with out thinking locked the patio door and later went out for a bit to get something for the house. So I had no idea, until I was done and I was covered head to toe with dirt as it was my first time using the pressure washer. My brother was gone for the night. So I sat on my new clean patio and waited and waited for him to come home. Fortunately he was not gone that long. So it is totaly ok, to have those moments. You don't have them very often. Just think you were saved by a fireman today! Some women can only dream about that. :)

cayman77 said...

oh man Id hate that feeling of being locked out. SO glad hubby rescued you!

poof said...

Hey, I did that once. But living in the country and trucker hubby being a thousand miles away, I broke in... rammed the door in with my shoulder and broke the door jam. There were no options. I had to sleep with the door open for a night and hubby was not to pleased when he got home, but hey, I was home sweet home. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Theresa said...

Speed dial 1 - so your hubby has the same number eh? hehehe

Colleen said...

For some reason the funniest thing to me about this post was imagining the strange next door children staring at you as you eat ...
Anyhoo! Since you had no choice I'm glad that it was beautifully sunny for you as you trekked about the town. :D