Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Favorite Subject of Mine

I've copied my blog friend over at 'Sugar & Ice' for this one. Food....sometimes I wish I didn't like it quite so much!

1. How do you like your eggs? Well, if I had to chose it would be over easy. So the yolks are still a little runny. But truly I would eat them any which way they were served. I do love eggs!

2. How do you take your coffee/tea? I'm really not into hot beverages. I have only been to Starbucks maybe three times?! I like to drink when I'm thirsty and definitely prefer something chilled. In winter I will drink tea to warm up and I really like Peppermint.

3. Favorite breakfast food: Oh boy! I like them all but cold cereal is a definite favorite. I don't even care which kind. Cranberry Almond Crunch is pretty yummy.

4. Peanut butter - smooth or crunchy? Either...although I could live without it.

5. What kind of dressing on your salad? I prefer a creamy dressing over a vinagrette but would eat any kind.

6. Coke or Pepsi? Either....just so long as it's not diet.

7. You’re feeling lazy, what do you make? Pancakes or nachos.

8. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Ham & Pineapple for the kids and something with lots of veggies for me!

9. You feel like cooking. What do you make? Lasagna...I consider this to be a meal that takes 'effort'.

10. Do any foods bring back good memories? Turkey always makes me think of Christmas

9. Do any foods bring back bad memories? I ate a chicken sandwich from the Swiss Chalet when I was pregnant and if I think about it I almost gag.

10. Do any foods remind you of someone? Jello definitely makes me think about my husband's family because they almost always eat jello at dinner!

11. Is there a food you refuse to eat? Liver, escargot, olives, mushrooms....I'm sure there are more.

12. What was your favorite food as a child? Fried chicken or tacos. Anything Mexican was a rare treat when I was a kid because my dad hated it.

13. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like? Onions & Avacados

14. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate? Candy...too sweet!

15. Favorite fruit and vegetable: Blueberries/Yams

16. Favorite junk food: Popcorn and more popcorn

17. Favorite between meal snack: Gala apple

18. Do you have any weird food habits? Is it weird that I need to eat an apple after I eat popcorn?

19. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? I don't diet...I just cut back on the regular foods.

20 . You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? I didn't deprive myself so probably just bigger portions of the usual.

21. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Mild!

22. Can I get you a drink? I love icy slushy drinks.

23. Red wine or white? I don't like wine. I am so uncultured. If I must drink some, please add some 7-up to it :)

24. Favorite dessert? Trifle or anything with fruit in it

25. The perfect nightcap? Chocolate milk


Colleen said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who defaults to pancakes or nachos on a lazy night! I loved reading this meme. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

I had no idea that you didn't eat mushrooms!

Anonymous said...

K, that was really cool. I could definitely identify with most of it!

Anonymous said...

Hoorah! The Pauls Family mantra is "have eggs instead!!" (your #1). That is...unless it's "Eat BC Chicken". We always appreciate anyone that supports the industry.

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh, I loved your answers, and I may steal this idea to post one of these days, I'm brain dead lately.

I agree with elma, enjoy those eggs.