Friday, March 21, 2008


This is copied directly from my dad's blog. I could not have said it better myself!

As followers of Christ, we are not specifically asked to remember Christmas, but we have turned it onto the biggest production on the calendar. It has been secularized, watered down, and commercialized to the point where it is palatable to the politically correct world. Take Jesus out, turn it into 'goodwill' and 'peace on earth' and Santa Claus and there is something for everyone. This process is not that easy with Easter. This is the most important 3 days for Christians because through the death and Resurrection of Christ, our sins were forgiven, our future was secured, and we have promise of Resurrection for ourselves. This is not politically correct because these benefits, although free gifts for the asking, are exclusively for true believers. This weekend is not as well observed and celebrated by the masses because it has not been that easy to take Jesus out of Easter. And maybe God knew that when He instructed us through his word, to remember. We cannot blame non-Christians for not observing Easter, it means nothing to them, unless they celebrate new life in the form of bunny rabbits and freshly hatched chicks. In the next few days, let us remember, and then examine our faith. Do we really believe, and if we do, how is that impacting our lives. Easter is ALL about Jesus and no amount of Easter Lilies or chocolate can ever change that!


Terry said...

I am honoured.

Fiona said...

That is VERY well put. I absolutely LOVED Jeff's sermon at church last weekend and listened to it online again today. We are so blessed to have a God who loves us so much to send His Son to die for our sins. I was just thinking the same thing about Easter ... just TRY to take Jesus out of THIS "holiday."

Terry said...

Yes, Jeff's sermon was excellent. In light of this, you might appreciate my Easter comment on today's post on my blog. It is 'Jeff inspired'.

Lovella ♥ said...

Wonderfully said.

About Jeff's sermon, we were told in our one and only phone call home during vacation that it was amazing. I will also listen to it online.

Rachel, thank you for missing me and welcoming me home. I did a catch up of your blog. #1. it looks just springy and beautiful and woah .. .#2 oh my . . .little tiny blessings. I'll surely be praying.

Take care,