Thursday, March 27, 2008

Looking for Personal Opinions

Topic: Infant Vaccinations
Issue: To get them done or to not get them done
Cons: many stories emerging about links to austism and immunizations (among other horrible side effects)
Pros: these immunizations have stopped the spread of many previously deadly childhood illnesses

Keith and I want to make an INFORMED decision in regards to our new baby and immunizations. We are currently researching both sides of the issue.
I want your stories....both sides of the issue appreciated!
And by the way, both of our boys have had their shots. No side effects that we are aware of.


Anonymous said...

Both of our girls have all of their immunizations and have never had any adverse effects. In fact, I've never even given it a second thought. I'm all for eradicating diseases (I just heard that TB is now resistant to antibiotics!) but you do hear alot of scary stories in the news about the link to autism and such. I suppose that in the end you just have to trust that God will take care of your kids either way.

Keri's Collage... said...

My opinion, just because you asked: with the number of children in our communities from all over the globe, I think it's important that we immunize. But, since Alanna had issues after her first shots, we decided to wait 2 extra months before starting Vaness and Curts.
I'm assuming you will find lots of pros and cons on the subject!

Baker said...

Great question. You already know my story. The best advice I can give you is, follow your "mother's intuition".

Shawna said...

I have two babies (22 months and 5 months) and I work with disabled (autistic) children by profession.

Both my kids will be receiving their full rounds of immunizations.

We never questioned giving them their shots.

Colleen said...

Hi Rachel! My friend Talena is strongly con immunizations and if you plug in "vaccine" in her blogspot search bar you'll have lots to read about. I don't have kidlins but I have often thought I'd be VERY torn about what to do. I haven't made my mind up yet on the matter either. I second what Sonya said though. We really don't have to guess and hope at what God wants for us. We can put our full weight on Him with our choices, entrusting our kids to Him. Easy to say ....

Chris said...

One child is and one child is not. I never thought twice about getting David immunized but I was torn about getting Brody his 12 month shots. I finally ignored my "mother's intuition" because I had no reason to not immunize Brody. I believe you know the rest of the story. If not, ask and I will tell. This has not stopped me from having the rest of the immunizations given to David. Hence, as baker said, follow your "mother's intuition".

QuiltNut Creations said...

well, we have all our kids done. and since dh just got diganoised today with having the mumps, i wouldn't hesitate to do them again

Theresa said...

My friend is reading a book, I will get the name of it for you, it explains both sides of the story. It says the problems these days are that they are combining the shots,MMR, if they could seperate the shots into m, m, and r, it would reduce the risks. Also of course the prevnar has a few diseases in it. I don't know if you can seperate them into different shots. But that is what my friend is trying to find out. Darren's co-worker's son is autistic and he says it definitly is from the mercury in his shots. It has scared me knowing someone personally who does blame the shots. I have met other people at Le Petit Gym etc who's kids did not get any shots. They didn't get sick but who knows, thoes germs are out there.

Having said that Jack and Emily have all of their shots, and I plan to read the book before they get their kindergarden shots.

villagegirl said...

I'm pro shots but I totally hear your concern! There are way too many diseases coming back (I think because people are chosing not to) that we don't need to deal with! It would be absolutely wretched to have something happen and know you willingly took your child and yet would you feel any less horrid if your child contracted one of these awful diseases that could have been prevented? It's a dilema for sure. You'll make the right decision for your family!

Canadian Kristin said...

I am totally torn because of Alanna's scare and because of women I know who's children were fine before and DEFINITELY autistic after shots... We do immunize, but I do it about 4 months delayed... as Keri said, with all the world travel, I think shots are still a good decision in the overall. And I have heard that separating the m m and r is a good step in the questions regarding autism. Eek....see, things we never even thought about 9 years ago..... :-$

Canadian Kristin said...

My overall opinion is this: in my heart I agree with it, so I pepper that with delaying it, and just bite the bullet and take my kids in. Blah. And then it's done.

Theresa said...

I'm a little leary posting my thoughts as I have been treated like a criminal but we had some severe reactions to the first and second round of shots for our first daughter and then got scared.
Since then we have choosen to have some of them but choosen not to have them too.
In the end, you have to be comfortable with your decision and leave the rest to the heavenlies!

onewomanstreasures said...

We did opt to vaccinate both our girls (but still don't have a solid opinion), and if you do with this one, be prepared to have a BUNCH more shots than you did for your boys. It's changed a lot. I think some appointments the babies are getting 3-4 shots!

Anyway, in talking to my doctor, she said that if we chose not to vaccinate, the child would still have protection because most of society is vaccinated. But if too many people don't vaccinate, then we'll see the return of some of these diseases. And consider the fact that most non-traveling adults don't have current vaccines either. Don't they run out by age 20? I'm healthy...


Kerry said...

My kids have all their shots and even more than the norm due to the country we live in, and I never thought twice about there aren't many options and to tell you the truth, I guess I've been living in my own little bubble over here cuz I only found out about shots and autism recently. But, God is faithful and good and I believe that when we trust in Him and have faith in Him, He will take care of us. Best of luck with your decision. :)