Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas morning was very sunny and beautiful. I suppose if I can't have a white Christmas then sun is better than rain! We had 'Land of Nod' cinnamon buns for breakfast....a sugar rush for all.

Our boys are very patient on Christmas morning and always have been. No waking up at obscenely early hours or any of that monkey business!
Liam also patiently waited to open his gifts.
How is it that babies know fairly early on what a phone is? It's not like I am often on the phone in his presence but he will put about anything shaped like a phone to his ear and 'chat'!
The boys loved their Star Wars thing-a-ma-bob. Whatever...what do I know about these things?
Keith and I both got each other a new smell :) Perfume for me and cologne for him. Yeah...looking a bit tired, aren't I? Just keeping it real.
And then I opened Santa's gift to us (me)! A new camera! Yippee! I like it but am still adjusting to all the new features and settings.
Liam and I in our red Christmas sweaters. We went back to my mom's in the afternoon for turkey dinner.
My dad took out his antique train set that he's had since he was a little boy to show Liam. Liam definitely approved with many 'ooh-ooh-ohhs'!
Chad knows to hug the cook....and sneak a few tastes before dinner is served.
Every year I say it's my mom's best turkey dinner ever. I think this year beat them was tops!
My grandpa came over for part of the afternoon and evening. He moved into the Menno Home this past fall and I think was thrilled to have a break from it. He was in good form and definitely enjoyed seeing the kids. He tried very hard to get Liam to come sit on his lap but Liam is wary of 'strangers' and the best he could manage was to pat Grandpa's knee.

Just playing with my new camera....
After supper my parents took out the laptop to show my Grandpa some photos from his brother's recent funeral.
Grandpa went back to the Menno Home around 7:30 and when my dad came back we put Liam to bed so we could all watch a movie. Andrew gave me 'Enchanted' and so we watched that. A good girlie movie at best that my boys will tolerate because at least there is a dragon in the last scenes.
A wonderful day with my family!


QuiltNut Creations said...

this year was the earliest our kids got up, 7:15 and i made them all go back to their rooms until 8:30 lol!

looks like a fabulous day. and the picture of you keeping it real? fantastic

Anonymous said...

Looks like a completely marvelous day all the way around. You really hauled in on the gifts!

Kerry said...

Looks like you've had a great Christmas!! Love the new camera! Happy New Year!

Fiona said...

Congrats on the new camera! Looking forward to seeing many pictures you've taken with it. :)

Kori's House said...

I'm lovin your 'real' Christmas photo :)

How are you enjoying your new camera?