Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 Well, spring has sprung around these parts.  My time for blogging or even taking pictures so I can blog is rare.  You'll just have to take what you can get.  My mom has been like a busy worker bee in my garden.  This has been a wonderful gift as I just don't have much spare time to be planting this spring.  We shopped together for the plants and she did all the hard work.  Mom...if you read this, I truly thank you!

My front yard looks spectacular (if I do say so myself) with all the blooming shrubbery.  All the Scotts turf builder this spring has made our lawn a very deep green.  I hope the people who live across the street enjoy the view! 


Anonymous said...

I. Am. Jealous.
Can your mom come and plant flowers at my house?

QuiltNut Creations said...

your yard/gardens look great. if we could just get rid of the evil buttercups, I would be happy lol.