Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Mother's Day.... a Mom of three children.
It was good. Very good.

It all started with breakfast in bed on Saturday morning. This was in lieu of Sunday because Sunday morning are very rushed at our house trying to get everyone out the door to church on time. Keith made me an egg mcmuffin and a mocha. It was tasty! Nathan and Chad took care of Liam so we could enjoy it together.

That evening we went to the Third Day concert. I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would! They can really rock! It was extremely loud and I realize I sound like a senior for even mentioning it. Totally worth it and we were so glad we went! It's wonderful that Abbotsford now has a venue in which to hold concerts. Not having to drive into Vancouver will definitely make us want to attend them more often.

Sunday dawned clear and beautiful. We went to church and listened to a great, yet challenging sermon on what true beauty is for women.

The boys presented me with gifts they had made at school. Poems, flowers and a beautiful butterfly. All things to cherish.

Keith's parents dropped by in the afternoon for a visit. We had a lovely time sitting on the back deck in the sun. We also gave his mom her traditional hanging basket.

My parents came over for a BBQ dinner. We grilled up three types of skewers...chicken, steak and prawns. Grilled asparagus, roast veggies, pan bread, and salads (thanks Mom!) rounded out the rest of the meal. It was quite delicious if I do say so myself. Keith is turning into an expert BBQer. For dessert we had rhubarb platz made with the rhubarb from my garden. Yum.

Keith cleaned up the entire meal and my kitchen was spotless! Thanks so much babe! I was able to relax after dinner and visit with my family.


Jenn said...

Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day. You deserved it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you were definitely treated like a it should be. :)

Shawna said...

Looks/sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend!

Happy Mothers Day to a Mommy of Three!

Terry said...

Wow! Those are great photos. And that BBQ was simply the very best!

Kerry said...

Sounds like a great Mother's Day. I LOVE the picture of you and your boys!! And, I'm with you about the loud music...the last concert I was at I said to Yuri "Are concerts always this loud?" He just laughed...and I felt old. I'm starting to sound like my Mom. :) Although for Third Day, I'd definitely put up with the loudness. :)

Unknown said...

YUM!!! I love the apron :) Your family is so beautiful! I can't wait to be a mom of 3... one day, I hope!

white girl said...

Wow. The part I'm most impressed by is that Keith cleaned up the meal and the kitchen! That, my friends, is love.

Fiona said...

great pic of you and your boys. love the look on liam's face. :)