Sunday, July 04, 2010

Eagle Mountain Park

One of the most beautiful parks in Abbotsford is high atop Eagle Mountain. It's where the wealthy folks live! The views are stunning and the houses are gorgeous. We took the kids up there the other day and had fun.
Liam was so perplexed by this speaker system. Keith would speak into the speaker across the park and Liam listened at the other end. He thought Keith was inside the pipe and was really confused! We had to play this game over and over again for him!
Slides continue to be the most popular thing for Liam at any park.

Swings are fun too....the higher the better!

There is a viewpoint at one end of the park that over looks Sumas Prairie. Very spectacular...especially when you can see Mt Baker but it was overcast that day.

You may have wondered where Chad is. Chad was very busy at the playground making new friends. Chad will make new friends at each playground we go to. He's the social butterfly of the family.

A plane, a plane! The planes seem a lot closer when one is atop a mountain!


villagegirl said...

We like that park as well and will take a jaunt up to the 'ritzy' part of town once in a while.
My boys both love the slide still!

Terry said...

The view is truly great from up there, but I would not want to live there. Wind, steep roads, icy roads, freeway noise, manure smells ..... sour grapes.

Kerry said...

Great pictures. I love the one of you and Keith.

Anneliese said...

Cute post!