Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Raw Truth

This photo sums up the personalities of my two boys absolutely perfectly! My boys are itching to earn money so my parents let them up cut all these big tree branches they recently trimmed from their front yard fir. Nathan is a keen worker. He loves to help and will do so with little to no complaining at all. Chad....well not so much. He will do much more talking than working and then after about 5 minutes of half-hearted work will 'need' a break and then will try and escape the situation entirely.
In their schooling the opposite is true. Nathan rushes through his school work just to be done so he can read. Chad is thorough and is a very hard worker in school.
I just laugh everytime I see this picture. It is destined to become a classic!


villagegirl said...

Yup, got me one of each kind too. :)

Stephanie said...

It looks like Chad is floating off the ground by about a foot and has his head on a pillow. Weird picture!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I have one of each of those too.