Thursday, November 10, 2011

Scrape It No More

I do love my husband but he tends to be an all or nothing kind of guy.  He goes gung-ho on a project OR it sits abandoned. He really doesn't know how to pace himself.  I made him promise me over the summer (several times) that I would be parking in the garage by the time the cold weather arrived.  Well,  after a few weeks of scraping windows and shivering while the car warmed up he finally got sick of my long sighs, hints and down right nagging.  Last night he cleaned, stacked, organized and was happy to let me know at 11:30 pm that my car was indeed 'indoors' for night and could be from now on.  I'm a very happy girl.
There is still plenty to do in the garage to get it just right but at least I'll be warmer in the mornings!  It's a tad smaller than our previous garage and definitely not as deep so we aren't sure if we'll ever get our second car in there.  No matter...the Jetta has seat warmers so at least it won't be as painful to get that one warmed up in the mornings.  The actual garage door is on it's last legs so it's on the radar to get a new one.  The money-pit...aka house (loved that movie back in the '80s) is alive and well.


Kori's House said...

I've got a similar post in the works!

Terry said...

When do we get to see the new steps?

Trace said...

Dylan is all or nothing too. He has his shed to hide most of his projects and keep the garage free (my new rule after we cleaned it out for the new car!). Although we don't have to worry about ice here.... just bats and guano!! LOL